Corina Drousiotou

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Corina Drousiotou
Corina Drousiotou
With FWC May 2006 - Today
Title Head of Humanitarian Affairs Unit, Senior Legal Advisor
Degree(s) Master of Laws (LLM), Law Degree(Ptychio)
Filed(s) of study International and European Law, Law
University(ies) University of Leicester, UK
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Corina has been with the Future Worlds Center since May 2006 working as legal advisor. Currently, she is the Head of the Humanitarian Affairs Unit of Future Worlds Center.

Short Bio

Corina holds a degree in law from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and a Master of Laws (LLM) in International and European Law from the University of Leicester, UK.

Projects and work

Corina coordinates all the projects that are being implemented by the Humanitarian Affairs Unit of Future Worlds Center. She also acts as the Senior Legal Advisor for the UNHCR funded project Strengthening Asylum that offers free legal, social and psychological support to asylum seekers and persons under international protection living in Cyprus. Corina heads a growing working team whose aim is to facilitate people's access to their rights and undertakes key advocacy responsibilities. She participates and makes interventions at Parliamentary discussions on legislative reforms and public policies, appears in the media on discussions on refugee issues, acts in the raising of awareness on human rights, and offers consultation to European and International networks active in the field of asylum. Currently, Corina is the national representative of the European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA).

Among other major projects Corina was involved in: a research project under the Ministry of Interior titled ‘Inclusion/Exclusion of Refugees in Cyprus’, legal expert for Cyprus in the research project titled “Fleeing Homophobia. Seeking Safety in Europe. Best Practices on the (Legal) Position of LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex) Asylum Seekers in the EU Member States”, carried out by the VU Amsterdam University and the Federation of Dutch Associations for the Integration of Homosexuality, COC Netherlands. She also contributed to a research project on Dublin II returnees, carried out by The Refugee Council Hesse (Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat) in collaboration with the asylum counselling agency Gießen (Verfahrensberatung Gießen) in Germany and as the national expert for Asylum Information Database II (AIDA II) by European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).