Managing Large-scale Societal Change

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Chapter 6. Managing Large-scale Societal Change
Chapter 6. Managing Large-scale Societal Change
Chapter Authors Yiannis Laouris
Book Title Operations Management and Management Science
Book Editor Fausto Pedro García Márquez
Book Publisher IntechOpen
Publisher Location London
Pages 97-112
Year 2022


In this chapter, we discuss three decisive parameters for successful large-scale societal interventions: 1. The selection of the most representative and relevant stakeholders; 2. The application of an appropriate systemic problem-structuring methodology; and 3. The process used to convert the results of a structured deliberation into a clear strategy accompanied by a roadmap consisting of the most effective actions. We claim that the structured democratic dialog process emerges as an excellent tool for managing diverse types of societal interventions. Two models of intervention for large-scale societal reforms are briefly presented and discussed. The first is based on a quasi-synchronous process using the same intervention delivered at multiple localities. The second starts with one intense focal intervention and a process design that allows it to replicate and expand by creating spin-off agents or communities of change. The chapter concludes with recommendations.


Laouris, Y. (2022). Managing Large-scale Societal Change. In Operations Management and Management Science. IntechOpen.

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