Gender Equality Plan

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Revision as of 09:25, 9 November 2022 by Laouris (talk | contribs) (Added the mandatory process-related requirements following the classification provided by the Horizon Europe Guidance)

Future Worlds Center's Gender Equality Plan has been in existence since about 2000. However, it has been updated and formalized in the framework of the project Pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations, financed by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 programme (Call: Science with and for Society, H2020-SwafS-2017-1).

The revised Gender Equality Plan focuses on fostering gender equality and strengthening the participation of female employees within the departments of the organisation.

The customised Gender Equality Plan developed lies in the following target areas:

  • work-life balance;
  • reducing the gender gap in decision-making bodies;
  • reducing gender gap among researchers;
  • improving the use of gender-neutral language in organization’s documents;
  • mentoring and supporting the career and excellence of female researchers.

Among others, the plan includes the establishment of equal participation of the two genders in Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute (CNTI)'s Board of Directors for a period of at least 5 years and the introduction of the possibility of flexible working hours as well as remote work in order to improve the work-life balance of the employees.

The GEP was approved by the Board on the 29th Jan 2019 and a revised version in April 2022.

Following a Board Decision, May 2022, Future Worlds Center has adapted the mandatory process-related requirements following the classification provided by the Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans:

1. Public document

The GEP is a formal document published on the FWC's website. It is approved and endorsed by the top management and should therefore be actively communicated within the organization. The adoption of the GEP and the accompanying Board's decision demonstrate the commitment of FWC to gender equality and set clear goals and detailed actions and measures to achieve them.

2. Dedicated resources

All parties should understand that the implementation of the plan requires dedicated resources and expertise in gender equality. Those involved in writing applications for funding should therefore ensure that a small budget line of 2-3% is reserved for gender equality related activities.

3. Data collection and monitoring

The organization is committed to collect sex/ gender-disaggregated data on all personnel (full-time, part-time, visiting scientists, interns, and volunteers) based on indicators annually. The data will be collected and analysed by the Gender Equality Officer. The data, including relevant resources will become an integral part of the yearly organizational reports. This section should include the GEP's objectives and targets, indicators, and ongoing evaluation of progress.

4. Training

The GEP includes awareness-raising and training actions on gender equality, and they will engage the whole organisation. Activities may include unconscious gender biases. Training activities will engage all staff and decision-makers, and FWC members should consider them as important. Training might also take the form of communication activities that focus on specific topics or addresses specific groups.

Full access to the GEP is granted here.