
16 editsJoined 28 August 2014

During my high school years I have always imagined myself of making ingenious and innovative creations. I had also developed an inherent interest in computers, an essential tool for every profession nowadays. Acknowledging the fact that technology will continue bringing severe advancements not only in business but in our everyday lives also, I decided to follow a first degree in Computer Science at the University of Surrey.

My desire of swelling creativity through imagination persisted and thus my research for a Master’s degree was focused on these elements. It was a great thrill for me to find out about the MSc Product Design Innovation as I immediately knew this was the Masters degree for me. This is due to the fact that as long as I can remember I have loved learning new things and solving problems and I always had a robust curiosity and passion on finding out how new ideas or gadgets were put in action or created.

It is therefore of my great belief that this is what my master is all about; inspiring people to spark their brains to use new ideas, imagination and make new decisions that make a positive difference in their lives. Reading through a research report on creativity, I quoted the following “…people who use their creativity live fuller, more meaningful lives and are happier, more resilient to change, laugh more often, and come up with new and relevant ideas more that those who don’t…”. This is what I dream of portraying my life and I strongly believe that this course fueled me with the knowledge and the experience I need to have a stimulating and fruitful life and a successful and interesting career.