Series of non-formal civil society action workshops: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 09:45, 23 April 2013

Non-formal civil society action workshops
Non-formal civil society action workshops
Project Human Rights and Reconciliation – Civil Society Acts Beyond Borders
Date(s) April-August 2013

These workshops will be based on the action plans of the multi-stakeholder action groups and will include the action projects designed by these groups. The action workshops may include a range of non-formal methodologies such as art, sports-based workshops, theatre/ drama, peace education and conflict resolution, as well as others that the action groups deem effective. The action workshops will be designed and planned by the action groups and will be supported by the local partners. Each workshop or community action will be carried out by both the Israeli and Palestinian members of the action group, and will take place both on the Israeli as well as on the Palestinian side. If possible, the workshops will be held in a bi-communal setting, allowing both Palestinians and Israelis to join. Moreover, the action workshops will be planned and scheduled in line with other events promoting peaceful coexistence organised in the region, so as to avoid duplication, and rather build on already existing actions. The workshops aim to reach out to the wider community and will be organised in coordination and collaboration with municipalities in the region, so as to ensure local ownership. They will be effective to enhance trans-national cooperation of civil society and to encourage especially the active engagement of groups underrepresented in social and political life, thus strengthening their stand and making them active promoters of human rights, democratic participation and reconciliation.