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Revision as of 03:47, 27 January 2014

University Education

Institution Degree Year
Technologiko Ekpaideutiko Idrima, Mesolonghiou BSc in Computer Science and Finance Management


  • 2008 "Development of WEB application booking hotel rooms in an environment MYSQL - PHP - JOOMLA",Drakos Andreas and George Avraam. Supervising: Dermitzioti Evgenia.
  • 2007 "Information systems at the internet-Joomla",Drakos Andreas.Supervising: Aristogiannis Garpis
2004 – 2008

Working Experience

Duration Institution Duties
20/05/2009 - Today CNTI NICOSIA (CYPRUS) IT MANAGER - Programer
  • Computer Programming
  • Programmer and Web Administrator
  • Sales, Computer Programming, Programming Mobile Phones Programmer and Web Administrator
01/06/2008 - 01/03/2009 LIA SOUNDTECH CAR & HOME SOL LTD NICOSIA (CYPRUS) Maintenance technician
  • Sales Department, Programming Mobile Phones

Social Skills and Competence

Social Skills and Competence
Mother tongue: Greek
Other language: English
Social skills and competence
  • Team spirit
  • Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work experience abroad
  • Good communication skills gained through my experience as IT manager.
Computer skills and competences
  • Good command of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
  • Basic knowledge of graphic design applications (Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop).
  • Good command of web designer, developer and administrator (joomla, html, php, css)
Driving licence(s)

A1, B, B1, BE