H2020/Impact/CARDIAC: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 01:20, 23 March 2014

From a general perspective, the project will contribute to the following Work Programme objectives, features and challenges:

  1. Address some of Europe’s socio-economic challenges in line with the flagship i2010 initiative by

assisting in the inclusion process and in particular enhancing ICT for independent living. The roadmaps will in particular identify future R&D priorities in Accessibility whilst highlighting both the barriers and actions that need to be taken to increase inclusion.

  1. Play a complementarily role to the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) joint national programme by

identifying examples of successful technological transfer and best practice in the area of ICT-based solutions for ageing well.

  1. Develop a global partnership through the extended partner networks through the organisation of

meetings, seminars and other dissemination activities.

  1. Assist in bringing users into the research cycles, by promoting user involvement.
  1. Promote wider adoption of accessible and assistive ICT through the CARDIAC reports, publications

and workshops.

  1. Promote the use of open-source solutions and applications through the investigation to be carried out

under WP4.

  1. Promote design-for-all best practices as key issues to ensure citizens with activity limitations are

actively involved in society

From a more specific point of view, the project will strengthen and support the Assistive Technology industry through the various reports and road-maps. The deliverable D1.1 Production of Accessible and Assistive ICT systems and materials is one such example. It will outline factors for success based on the analysis of previous work and on examples of best practice and is primarily aimed at the industrial and research community.

Deliverables 3.1 “Trends on user adapted interface design” and 4.1 “Report identifying research and development areas and activities, suggesting how eInclusion could be achieved and the foreseeable benefits” are also of particular relevance in this respect.

The project will also have an impact on the availability of ICT-tools with increased accessibility for people with disabilities. It will do this through its reports, dissemination efforts and road-maps. Of particular relevance in this respect is deliverable D 1.3 “Available systems and services supporting developers to achieve accessibility”.