Getting the Best out of our Insafe Network 2007 Co-Laboratories: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:46, 18 March 2019

This report has been developed to describe the first series of results in the context of the "Getting the Best out of our Network" SDDPs co-laboratories. Co-laboratory A explored the weaknesses of the current model of interactions within the network, while co-laboratory B envisioned the ideal model of a European network of Safer Internet Nodes, and co-laboratory C generated action options to be taken to overcome the obstacles in order to achieve the ideal model of an Insafe network. Participants of co-laboratory B were asked to visualize the ideal scenario of a well-functioning and efficient network between all Nodes. They were tackling the following triggering question: What are descriptors that characterize an ideal, efficient network of EU safer internet nodes?

On the 6th of December 2007, half of the staff of the European network of Safer Internet Nodes engaged at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Brussels, Belgium for three hours in a structured dialogue focusing on the triggering question: What actions can the current network of EU Safer Internet nodes take in order to reach the ideal and efficient network?