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(a) The purpose of the project was to design and develop a comprehensive virtual infrastructure for Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot peace-promoting individuals and groups and indirectly support their activities by introducing an Information Technology dimension to their work. Furthermore, the project aimed to become the central reference, information and meeting point, which will be providing different types of support, information, ideas and inspiration to the various peace building initiatives both in Cyprus and overseas. The project is located in Cyprus but it is basically hosted in cyberspace.

(b) The project’s results are (a) the provision, for the first time, of an entire spectrum of information and knowledge, which gives the specific profile of the Cyprus situation and the range of the peace building efforts and culture in Cyprus on which new initiatives can be built, (b) the provision of a vital reference point for all those interested in, and working with, the Cyprus problem ranging from Greek and Turkish-Cypriot citizens, professionals, academics, policy makers, students and third parties, (c) the tracking and evaluation of the importance of new information and communication technologies as they transform international relations and the enhancement of the level of public awareness about the new possibilities emerging for the prevention, management and settlement of conflicts in a speedy manner, (d) the facilitation of cooperation and information sharing between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots by establishing itself as a platform of for ideas and debates, (e) the extraction of valuable lessons and insights for future training of Peace builders, whether in government, international organizations or the private sector, and finally the promotion of cross-cultural, international interaction, potential cooperation and involvement between individuals and organized groups and improve their response times.

(c) Building on his long involvement in the rapprochement movement, Dr. Yiannis Laouris, who is also the President of the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute, founded the project. Furthermore, CNTI provided tangible (space, technology etc) and intangible (technological know-how and administrative support) support to the project during its duration. The Project also involves the active participation of George Tziapouras as Project Coordinator and Dr. Harry Anastasiou who are both members of the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute Board as well as of a number of Turkish Cypriot associates who are also either directly or indirectly linked with other projects of the Institute. (d) The total cost of the Project was CYP 51,780.

(e) Technology For Peace – is a project supported by the people of the United States and the United Nations Development Program through a grant to the United Nations Office for Project Services. P.O.Box 21642 Telephone: 357-22-874777 Fax: 357-22-359066 Email:



(a) The purpose of the project was to design and develop the first infrastructure for supporting bicommunal projects and more specifically to train peace builders in the use of the Internet as a means of communication.

(b) The project’s results were the following: • First successful cooperation between Greek Cypriots (CNTI) and Turkish Cypriot (PeaceNet) peace builders through the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies. • Acquisition of an e-Mail server, which supported thousands of peace builders in their electronic communication between 1996-1999. • Technological infrastructure was acquired and applied in both communities for the support of various projects such as the development and promotion of a peace curriculum and the International Communication and Negotiation Simulation Project (ICONS) of the University of Maryland. • Reaching out to new people who had not been involved in bicommunal activities before. • Networking with NGOs and other third parties and individuals involved in the rapprochement movement both at the local (i.e., Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots) and international level (i.e., USAID, USIP, IWA, the University of Maryland and others).

(c) CNTI’s contribution to the project was comprehensive and ranged from (i) identifying and forging cooperation with Turkish Cypriot NGOs (i.e., PeaceNet) for the preparation of applications, (ii) requesting funding and conceptualizing, designing, developing and implementing the abovementioned projects, (iii) hosting equipment and seminars in its premises, (iv) to establishing vital networks with international organizations, institutions and actors involved in Information and Communication Technologies and Conflict Resolution.

(d) The project’s cost was approximately CYP 30,000.

(e) The project received funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and the Institute of World Affairs in the years 1995-1999.

     United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
             Ronald Reagan Building
             Washington DC, 20523-1000
             Tel: 202-712-4810, Fax: 202-216-3524
            United States Institute of Peace (USIP)
            1200 17th Street, NW, Suite 200
            Washington DC, 20036-3011
            Tel: 202-457-1700, Fax: 202-429-6063
            Institute of World Affairs (IWA)
            1321 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
            Washington DC, 20003
            Tel: 202-544-4141