AR 2007/President Statement: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 07:00, 3 January 2012

Year 2007 has been an exciting stepping-stone for the Future Worlds Center. It was a year of transformation, expansion and success. The Future Worlds Center became more international and managed to enlarge operations at national, European and international levels.

Our Vision to “operate at the interface of science & society” by using technology to promote social justice, development and peace has become both clearer and more tangible in all our projects and activities.

The New Media Unit launched a number of research projects and social initiatives. The islandwide safer Internet campaign, “CyberEthics”, engaged schools, media and local authorities. A Hotline was created together with CYTA to receive and investigate reports of illegal or annoying content on the Internet. Our participation in “EU Kids online” gave us the possibility to play a role within Europe in the area of research that concerns the safer use of the Internet. A number of other projects focus on the integration of broadband technologies in education, examine the effectiveness of animations and visualizations in learning and aim to develop new e-learning web tools.

The Social Justice and Humanitarian Affairs Unit continued to provide services to asylum seekers and refugees and operated the Unit for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture. Our foresight, almost 3 years ago, to expand in the area of International Development set the stage for international projects in the field of Development Education. We secured two grants that place Future Worlds Center not only in a pioneering position within Cyprus (being the first NGO to launch Development Education projects), but also within Europe.

Our vision is for the introspective Cypriot society to evolve into a community of people that look towards the future of the planet with confidence and responsibility. We aspire to see Cyprus looking beyond its own political horizon and local problems, pioneering in international development programs hence fulfilling its geopolitical destiny to serve as a crossroad amd melting pot of civilizations.

I invite you to read our 2007 Annual Report and come back to us with suggestions and ideas. This short introduction could not cover all our projects, which are described in more detail in the following pages. We are proud to have you as a friend as an affiliate and as a supporter, and we look forward to strengthening our relations, communication and collaboration within our network and with our many and new partners.