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Revision as of 06:47, 27 June 2012

The content of this page is displayed in standardized format to
  1. serve as quick reference; and
  2. facilitate its use during preparation of new applications. Do not change the content of this page without consulting with the project coordinator. For encyclopedic details about the project, please refer to its main page.

CyberEthics GII: Island-wide combined Safer Internet Awareness Node, Hotline, Helpline

CyberEthics concerns the safe use of Internet in Cyprus, and serves the needs of all people that live on the island (i.e., also Turkish Cypriots and other minorities) addressing

Background and Overview

This nine-month project aims to bring together young people from Greece and Cyprus in an attempt to take apart and reconstruct the concept of democracy, an EU founding principle. Even though young people are undeniably the mould of the future society, they are, however, not actively involved in the political affairs of their respective countries; on the contrary, they are repeatedly described as passive and indifferent in the media and elsewhere; and this despite the unprecedented political and socio-economic changes taking place in our times. Twenty four participants aged between 18 and 30, representing diverse backgrounds and societal groups, will get together for a six-day Workshop, which will take place in Paphos, Cyprus between 28 June and 3 July 2012. Having as a triggering reference point the fact that Greece was the birthplace of modern democracy, the participants will be invited to actively deliberate in order to develop a vision for ideal systems of governance, and propose action plans for reforms and practical measures. The workshops will be implemented using Structured Democratic Dialogue Process (SDDP). The expectation is that at the end of this process the participants will have a clearer idea of the problems they face; moreover, they will collectively develop vision and action plans to suggest and promote reforms of current systems of governance. Their active engagement in envisioning and designing their own ideal socio-political-economic environments, will furthermore boost their self-confidence, thus bringing young people back at the forefront of political debate and social change.

Formal Project Description
Contract Title Using democratic dialogue to reinvent democracy
Lead Partner Future Worlds Center
Agreement n° CY-13-03-2011-R5
Countries of the action Cyprus, Greece
Cost of Action €34.842,95
Dates {{{start_day}}}/{{{start_month}}}/{{{start_year}}} - {{{end_day}}}/{{{end_month}}}/{{{end_year}}}

Website [1]
About Project Reinventing Democracy (Y1.3)
Overall objective(s)
  • Create an online platform for the collection and exchange of views of young people regarding the concept of democracy and active citizenship
  • Actively engage youth in developing

a.) a Joint Vision of a European youth environment based on the concepts of democracy and active citizenship

b.) a Joint Action Plan towards an increased participation in European youth democratic projects and activities
Specific objective(s)

Target Groups

  • Youth organisations in all EU countries
  • Young people involved in youth projects
  • Youth workers and trainers
  • Youth policy makers

Expected results

  • Web-based portal and website;
  • Joint Action Plans and Vision Maps for the empowerment and youth;
  • Joint Declaration on Citizenship and Participation, submitted to local, regional, national and EU authorities;
  • Booklet
  • Short film
  • EU report