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FWC page
'''Future Worlds Center''' (FWC) is a non-profit, non-Governmental independent organization active in programs with future orientation in areas related to Social change|positive social change, social entrepreneurship and [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_transformation|transformation]].
==Founding history==
Future Worlds Center was founded in 1991 as [[Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute]]. In the late 90's, it expanded its operations pioneering in a number of humanitarian, multicultural and peace related projects<ref>[http://www.MulticulturalCyprus.net/ Building A Multi-Ethnic and Multi-National Cyprus to Promote European Values and Regional and International Peace]</ref>, <ref>[http://www.eucitizenship.net/ Extending EU Citizenship to the Eastern End of Europe]</ref>. At the end of 2005, with a new Constitution, it evolved into a larger organization with a pure international orientation integrating all humanitarian, peace, and multicultural activities under one umbrella.
==Notable Operations==
===Promoting regional peace===
Future Worlds Center  pioneers in envisioning, designing and implementing  projects that promote the culture of peace and reconciliation in Cyprus, the region and the globe. The [[Technology for peace]]<ref> http://www.tech4peace.org Tech4Peace</ref> initiative in 1997, founded by [[Yiannis Laouris]] and [[Harry Anastasiou]] members of the [[Cyprus Conflict Resolution Trainers Group]] aimed to capitalize on the proliferation of the Internet as a means to bear the communication barrriers between the northern and the southern parts of divided Cyprus. Other notable peace projects include the [[Civil Society Dialogue project in Cyprus|Civil Society Dialogue]], the Act Beyond Borders<ref>http://ActBeyondBorders.net Act Beyond Borders</ref> and Everybody's song <ref>http://www.everybodys-song.net Everybody's song</ref>
===Active promoter of the MDGs===
Future Worlds Center is leading a number of pan-European efforts, which aim to promote the [[Millennium Development Goals]] within Europe and in [[Sub-Saharan Africa|Sub-Saharan]] countries. It was a founding member of the Cyprus Islandwide Development NGO Platform<ref>[http://www.trialog.or.at/start.asp?ID=102 List of national development platforms]</ref> and the Cyprus Community Media Centre <ref>[http://www.cypruscommunitymedia.org/ Cyprus Community Media Centre Page]</ref>. The [[Millennium_Development_Goals#Accessing_Development_Education|Accessing Development Education]]  project <ref>[http://www.developmenteducation.info/ Accessing Development Education]</ref> has collected teaching materials or guidance books on topics like Development Education<ref>[http://www.deeep.org/ Development Education initiative in Europe]</ref>, [[Global citizenship]], [[Human Rights]], [[Millennium Development Goals]] and many others from across [[Europe]] into one central depository. The [[Millennium_Development_Goals#TeachMDGs|Teach MDGs]] project <ref>[http://teachmdgs.net/ Teach MDGs website]</ref> focuses on increasing awareness and public support for the [[Millennium Development Goals]] by actively engaging teacher training institutes, teachers and pupils in developing local oriented teaching resources promoting the MDGs with a particular focus on [[Sub-Saharan Africa]] and integrate these into the educational systems of countries across Europe.
===Supporting vulnerable groups===
Future Worlds Center is the implementing organization of the [[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Representation in Cyprus]]. Its Humanitarian Affairs Unit implements projects that aim strengthening asylum for [[refugees]] and [[asylum seekers]] on the island<ref>[http://www.futureworlds.eu/wiki/Strengthening_Asylum_for_Refugees_and_Asylum_Seekers_in_Cyprus Strengthening Asylum for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Cyprus Project Page]</ref>. This Unit has founded the [[Unit of Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture]].
The organization also runs a number of projects that promote and implement research in the field of safer use of the Internet; Cyberethics<ref>http://www.cyberethics.info the Cyprus’ Safer Internet Center</ref>, Cyprus’ Safer Internet Center, which includes a [[Cyprus Safer Internet Hotline|Hotline]]<ref>http://www.cyberethics.info/cyethics2/page.php?pageID=15 Cyprus’ Safer Internet Hotline</ref> and a [[Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline|Helpline]]<ref>http://www.helpline.cyberethics.info Cyprus’ Safer Internet Helpline</ref>.
==Notable Awards==
*  [[The Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies Medal]] in 2007 to [[Alexander Christakis|Aleco Christakis]] for his role in founding the science of [[Structured dialogic design]].
* [[The Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies Award]] in 2008 to [[Yiannis Laouris]] for his peace work within Future Worlds Center.
* [[Cyprus civil society awards|Cyprus civil society award in the category of social inclusion]] in 2008.
== References ==
==External links==
*[http://www.FutureWorldsCenter.org/ Future Worlds Center official website]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_Worlds_Center Future Worlds Center in Wikipedia]