MigratED: Migrations and human rights enhanced through technology in EDucation

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MigratED: Description

The MigratED: Migrations and human rights enhanced through technology in EDucation Project is a three-year long Key Action 3 project supported by Erasmus+ of the European Commission. MigratED scales up good practices of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) on intercultural dialogue, migrations and developement issues based on human rights approach. It trains professionals and young people on GCE through innovative pedagogies based on participatory methods and digital tools, fostering the inclusion of marginalized groups (migrants/refugees), as well as peer education and digital/media literacy.

Formal Project Description
Contract Title MigratED:Migrations and human rights enhanced through technology in EDucation
Project Acronym MigratED
Donor Erasmus+
Lead Partner GVC - Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (Italy)
Call/Action EACEA/07/2017
Partners Future Worlds Center (Cyprus)
Centro Studi di Analisi Psicologia e Sociologia Applicate 2/CSAPSA2 (Italy)
ActionAid Hellas (Greece)
SLOGA (Slovenia)
4Change - Cooperativa Cultural de Solidariedade Social CRL (Portugal)
Cooperativa de Formacao e Animação Cultural CRL/Lusófona University - COFAC/CICANT (Portugal)
KARPOS - Centre of Education and Intercultural Communication (Greece)
Municipality of Bologna (Italy)
Cost of Action €564,915.00
Grant €451,930.00
Cost for FWC €81,910.00
Grant for FWC €65,528.00
Dates 15/01/2018 - 14/01/2021

Short Description MigratED aims at disseminating good practices of Global Citizenship Education on intercultural dialogue, migrations, human rights and development issues, training teachers and professionals in education on these issues and on the use of digital and multimedia tools.
Main Page MigratED
Overall objective(s)
Dissemination of the good practice of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) activities on intercultural dialogue, migration issues and development based on human rights approach implemented on a local level by GVC and the Municipality of Bologna in secondary schools (project Amitie CODE – Capitalizing On DEvelopment and GCE laboratories implemented by GVC using audio visual tools). The project scales up these good practices by promoting an impact on the systemic level by training teachers and professionals in education on GCE issues – mainly human rights, development and migration issues – and on the use of digital and multimedia tools for boosting GCE issues. The action allows disseminating a more active use of innovative pedagogies and tools based on participatory methods, increasing teachers and learners’ digital competences.
Specific objective(s)

Enhancing the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of fundamental values, promoting mutual respect and intercultural dialogue and combating discrimination on all grounds contributing to:

  • Strengthen the key contribution which education makes to personal development, social inclusion and participation, by imparting the fundamental values and principles of our societies, through training professionals on these issues and enhancing their capacities to implement related activities with students and young people using digital tools and through sensitizing relevant stakeholders on the need to integrate GCE education and innovative pedagogy;
  • Promote inclusive education for young people, combating racism and discrimination and promoting active citizenship, through GCE education focusing on human rights, development and migration issues, and through the use of participatory multimedia tools;
  • Strengthen young people’s ability to think critically, through the education and awareness raising , on media literacy (including peer education), including youth in a counter-narrative for the refugees welcoming and other global issues, countering media manipulation;
  • Encourage dialogue and cooperation among educational stakeholders through the implementation of national and EU multi-stakeholder campaign and platforms for promoting dialogue and cooperation;
  • Empower teachers so that they are able to take an active stand against discrimination and racism, to foster young people’s media literacy, to impart common fundamental values and to prevent and combat intolerance through an international training and national ones.