Vasiliki Katrivanou
Mrs. Vasiliki Katrivanou was a Masters student in Conflict Resolution at Portland State University (PSU) in Portland, OR, working with Dr. Harry Anastasiou. Vasiliki spent two months during the spring semester of 2004 at Future Worlds Center interviewing and studying the role of women and gender issues in relation to the peace/reconciliation process with a focus on the period of the referendum. She organized two bi-communal group discussions among women before and after the referendum. This research was videotaped and became a short documentary, which was also part of her thesis. Vassiliki was also doing a master's in psychology. She returned to Cyprus in August in order to complete her research. At the same time, she organized a bi-communal seminar working on body symptoms in both communities.
The film's title was: Women of Cyprus.