Youth Career and Advising Centre (Lithuania)

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Youth Career and Advising Centre
Type NGO
Legal status 1999
Location Kaunas, LITHUANIA

Relation to Future Worlds Center

Partners with Future Worlds Center in TeachMDGs and the Accessing Development Education project.

The Youth Career and Advising Centre is a non-profit, non-governmental institution. The main objectives and goals of the Center are the following: development of social, educational and cultural programs as well as endorsement of civic initiatives and advancement of the system of public service. The main objectives are:

  • To develop educational, social and cultural initiatives;
  • To create and improve the system of career guidance services;
  • To stimulate actions of academic community;
  • To initiate strategic projects for change in educational system and integration into EU environment;
  • To provide information about study opportunities in Lithuania and abroad;
  • To provide guidance on career decision making process and personal realisation;
  • Provide educational programmes for youth and adults.

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