Vitae/Letizia Atti/University Education

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University Education

Institution Degree Grade Year
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 2nd Level Master Evaluation and Intervention in cases of child abuse and paedophilia
    Thesis Title “Young people and new technologies: the phenomenon of Cyberbullying”
Final mark: 108 out of 110 2009
Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna Advanced training course of continuing education and life-long learning "The clown at the service of the person"
  • Thesis Title “Art Therapy in juvenile delinquency and marginality”
  • Final mark 30 out of 30, summa cum laude 2007
    Faculty Sciences of Education at the University of Bologna Degree in Educational Sciences, Professional Educators Final mark: 110 out of 110, summa cum laude 2005