
Template page
Revision as of 02:36, 5 August 2011 by (talk) (Creation of template Event)
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Title of the event
Project Project under which he event was organized
Place Place of event
Dates Dates of event
Person in charge write the person in charge of the event
Type of participants write the type of participants
Number of participants write the number of participants/beneficiaries
Total Duration Total Duration of event
Link(s) Link(s) to press release(s)

Copy and paste the code below to the page you wish to add an Associate's box such as this one:

  |acronym=Title of the event
  |project=Project under which he event was organized
  |place= Place of event
  |dates=Dates of event
  |moderator=write the person in charge of the event
  |participants_type=write the type of participants
  |participants_num=write the number of participants/beneficiaries
  |total_duration=Total Duration of event
  |link=Link(s) to press release(s)

Then replace the content of the variables with your own, for example :

            acronym=Title of the event
            acronym=SDD in Troodos

List of Variables

  • acronym : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the title of the event
  • project : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the project under which the event was organized
  • place : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the place that the event took/is taking place
  • dates : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the dates of the event
  • moderator : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the name of the person in charge for the event
  • participants_type : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the type of the participants
  • participants_num : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the number of participants
  • total_duration : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the total_duration of the event
  • link : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the link(s) to press release(s)