Andreas Andreou

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Andreas Andreou
Andreas Andreou
Period at FWC June - August 2012
Field of Study Humanities
Sending University University of Essex
Local Mentor Yiannis Laouris,
Elia Petridou,
Danae Psilla
Involvement at FWC Strengthening Asylum

Mr Andreas Andreou served at Future Worlds Center as an Intern during the summer of 2012. His involvement was mainly in the Strengthening Asylum but he has also undertaken various tasks in the organization. He participated in two seminars organized by the organization; SDDP Youth envisage and design their ideal future (Paphos, 17/07/2012 – 22/07/2012) and Reinventing Democracy in the digital revolution era (Nicosia, 14-15/09/2012).

Short Bio

Mr Andreas Andreou was born in 1991 in Nicosia. He studied BA Humanities at the University of Essex. He graduated in July 2013 and he received the Dissertation Prize of his School for his thesis ‘Fygostratia, Punishing Anti-military conscience in the Republic of Cyprus’. In 2010 he published his first research book ‘ΒΕΡΕΓΓΑΡΙΑ, Το Ξενοδοχείο των Βασιλιάδων' (‘Beregnaria, The Hotel of the Kings’) ( which saw an amazing interest from the local media and the public. Due to high demand, in January 2011 he published the second edition of the book.

Education and Training

University of Essex, UK
BA Humanities 2010-2013,
Principal Subjects: Sociology, Philosophy, French, Psychoanalysis

Skills and Competencies

  • Research

- Experienced in: Market/Social Research Ӏ Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches Ӏ Data Analysis and Presentation Ӏ Report Writing Ӏ
Online Tools Ӏ Academic and Field Research Ӏ Archival Research Ӏ Interviews Ӏ Questionnaire Design/Analysis Ӏ Diary Study and Analysis

  • Communication and Interpersonal

-Interviewed live on TV programmes and gave press interviews/presentations to promote book
-Liaised with publishing company, bookshops and media, achieving successful book promotion

  • Organisational and Team Work

-Organised a promotional event (presentation) for book launch, attended by 70 people
-Worked productively in various types of teams – from research teams to seminar groups

  • Attention to details

-Edited and proof-read the book and the magazines before their publication
-Worked thoughtfully on the final data selection process for the dissertation
-Handled sensitive information of high importance during national service

  • Time Management / Working under pressure

-Managed to successfully organise time to meet all study deadlines while finishing book, being the Editor for a magazine and a Mentor for fellow students
-Experienced working and multitasking during rush hours in one of London’s busiest Starbucks

  • Initiative

-Created an online platform, promoting dissertation findings in order to raise awareness
-Suggested and managed the creation of a student magazine to increase movement’s popularity

  • Numeracy

-Processed and analysed 118 questionnaires for dissertation project
-Managed book’s financial aspect