Jasper Zimmermann is a Canadian journalist of German heritage who is the founder of PeaceQuest.org and initiator of the drive to set up regional Peace Projects Incubators, beginning with a Middle East Peace Projects Incubator (MEPPI) based in Nicosia, Cyprus. He previously worked as a business journalist with Deutsche Welle Online, with a special focus on sustainable business models and finance mechanisms, and before that, as a research project leader in the domain of science-led climate policy development, at the University of Oxford's Environmental Change Institute, addressing the question: What level of global average surface air temperature warming would lead to 'dangerous' climate change, in terms of the impacts on each of several major Earth systems? He hopes to help contribute to a public policy discourse that proposes re-focusing the efforts of governments away from funding and preparing for military conflict, and toward providing genuine human security by implementing the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Short bio
Prof Hrach Gregorian taught at Kenyon College and Simmons College, worked at the National Endowment for the Humanities as Humanist Administrator and Coordinator for the Foundations of American Society Initiative until 1988; as Director at theUnited States Institute of Peace.