Template:Media Promotion

Template page
Revision as of 10:02, 4 December 2011 by Soteris Demetriou (talk | contribs)


Title of the event
Title of the event
Project Project under which the event was organized
Media Name Media name
Host (Journalist) Name of the journalist hosting the event
Interviewee(s) write the name(s) of the associate(s) interviewed
Date(s) write the date that the event took place
Audience Write the type of the audience
Total Duration Write the total duration of the event
Link(s) Provide an external link to this event

Copy and paste the code below to the page you wish to add a Media Promotion box such as this one:

{{Media Promotion
  |acronym=Title of the event
  |project=Project under which the event was organized
  |media_name= Media name
  |host=Name of the journalist hosting the event
  |interviewees=write the name(s) of the associate(s) interviewed
  |dates=write the date that the event took place
  |audience=Write the type of the audience
  |total_duration=Write the total duration of the event
  |link=Provide an external link to this event

Then replace the content of the variables with your own, for example :

            event_title=Title of the event
            event_title=SDD in Troodos

List of Variables

  • acronym : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the title of the event
  • image : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the image of the Event. You must first upload an image using the upload file option of the toolbox available on the left column of the page. This option is visible if and only if you are logged in.
  • project : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the project under which the event was organized
  • media_name : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the name of the media where the event was/is promoted
  • host : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the name of the journalist hosting the event
  • interviewees : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the name(s) of the associate(s) interviewed
  • dates : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the date that the event took or is taking place
  • audience : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the type of the audience of this event
  • total_duration : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the total duration of the event
  • link : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it any external link(s) to this event