The COST 276: Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication was a network of 25 countries funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
The main objective of the Action is to develop advanced multimedia data and knowledge management technologies for personal multimedia communication systems and services, including specific signal processing and implementation techniques for users' personal terminals. In addition, key system aspects will be considered, such as: system integration, personification of services, usage trials and demonstrations of advanced personal services. The planned activities that should be pursued will not only influence the base of innovations and competitiveness, but will also make a contribution towards answering personal and European society's needs.
Dr. Yiannis Laouris served informally as Cyprus Representative, because the Research Promotion Foundation did not approve his participation. The network invited him in several meetings in 2005-2006. The Action was closed in 2007. He presented work of his Cyprus team in meetings in Ankara and Trondheim:
- Laouris, Y. (2005). Educationally relevant meta-data in learning objects: Necessary condition for re-usability. In: O. I. Hillestad & A. Bopardikar (Eds.), Proceedings Cost276, May 26-28, 2005, pp 61-66, Trondheim, Norway.
- Laouris, Y.Towards the unification of standards for meta-data descriptors of learning objects Proceedings Cost276,
- Laouris, Y.Development of a Framework for the Definition of Requirements in the Context of Mobile Learning Proceedings Cost276,