Media for MDGs

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Contract Title MDGs- Media for Development Goals
Contract Number ONG-ED/2009/202-170
Funding Period 01/03/2010 – 28/02/2012
Total Cost €585,195.00
€495,016.00 (grant)
Partners Salezjański Wolontariat Misyjny Młodzi Światu (Salesian Missionary Voluntary Service – Youth For The World)
Future Worlds Center

MDGs-Media for Development Goals is a two-year EU-funded project of the polish organization ‘Salesian Missionary Voluntary Service’ – Youth for the World of Krakow, jointly being implemented with the Cypriot organization Future Worlds Center and the Czech organization EDUCON, along with local partners from Italy, Kenya and Peru. Project aims at raising public awareness of development issues with focus on young people and their future involvement in decision making process.

Overall objectives

  • To increase awareness about MDGs, interdependence between EU and development countries.
  • To mobilize youth through educational and informational campaigns, actively engage them and empower them.
  • Involve youth and give them strong education on development issues
  • To integrate development issues into formal and non formal education.

Specific Objective

  • To involve youth in the development of multimedia tools to promote MDGs and as a result to provide youth, trainers and teachers with multimedia tools for non formal and formal development education.
  • To promote more fair relations between developed and developing countries through better understanding of development problems in NMS societies (target countries).
  • To change attitudes to the issues and difficulties the developing countries and their peoples are facing,

Target group

  • Young people from secondary schools, directly participating in the project and others including youth leaders (age 15-19). They are characterised by high interest in experimenting, discovering new things, interested in technology, ICT, very low awareness concerning development problems and MDG as not related with both school curriculum and personal experience.
  • Teachers of secondary schools (PL, CY, CZ). Development education is not included in educational programs in target countries. Their knowledge concerning development problems are fairly low, but some of the teachers have professional, mostly fragmented knowledge in presenting of the current development problems as related to history, geography, civic education. Thus, it is very important to include teachers in the action, give them innovative tools, as they have the best access to young people.
  • Youth trainers recruited trough NGOs in target countries. There are 16 young leaders. They play important role in education of youth in non formal way. They will take care of schools participating directly in the project. Project will also provide ICT based tools, learning methods and practical means of being involved to the 120 group of youth trainers recruited and supported in target countries. Project will provide those tools for non formal education about development issues.
  • Others final beneficiaries:

Young citizens and civil society on a broader level in target countries
Products of the project will be widely accessible and promoted among young people (age 15-19) both in the schools participating in the project as well as nationally especially in target countries
People in developing countries
Project will reach out to developing countries – through increased actions in the field of development cooperation and showing the fair approach and attitude concerning problems of developing world.

Main Activities

Management of the project

Management of the project including Steering, management and Evaluation Committee organisation and functioning and independent monitoring and evaluation.

Multilevel Three Steps training for youth leaders

This activity included knowledge of new media as tool for development issues promotion, technical media knowledge, preparation of materials in local partners’ countries: workshop in Italy, Kenya, Peru and Poland. Partner responsible for implementation of the activity was SVMS Youth for the World and associate partners.

E- Platform with complex e- learning course

E- Platform with complex e- learning course was prepared during the first 6 months of the project to integrate information and promotion efforts as well as to translate and made accessible already gathered material in several languages of the target countries. E-platform served as a source of information, platform for exchanging ideas and to building up partnership among youth. It included:

  • Information about MDG
  • Step by step instruction material “how to” set up and maintain internet radio
  • Step by step instruction material “how to” create films, video broadcasting in electronic media
  • Source materials made accessible by associate partners and gathered by youth leaders from Kenya and Peru.

One year media program in 32 high schools in target countries

32 schools in target countries will be chosen where leaders will organize TV and Radio groups. Groups will be trained whole year on multimedia materials about development issues. They will have educational Tool Kit assured. The media program included sessions on the following topics:

  • Introduction to the Millennium Development Goals and Global interdependencies
  • Creating material on the Millennium Development Goals
  • Telling a story on the MDGs,
  • Filming: direction, script writing, editing,
  • Sound recording: creating radio materials
  • Citizen journalism.

Two special national workshops for young people participating in media program schools- radio and TV module

Throughout the project in each country a national workshop for the young people participating in media school program will be organized twice. Workshops will be the opportunity to get together of both the youth volunteers from all schools in the country participating in the project as well as youth leaders taking care of schools in the project. Scope of workshop includes tentatively:

  • Technical introduction: how to operate internet radio and web page
  • Introduction to MDGs and development issues
  • How to cooperate in MDGs campaign
  • Setting the strategy and action plan for cooperation among volunteer journalists and local partners that will take part in the material preparation. Journalist Volunteers will contact local partners through teleconference meeting and content of the Radio and TV program
  • Intercultural communication.
  • Implementation of Internet Radio and technicalities web video channels during whole action

Media summer camp for young people in each target country

Media summer camp for young people in each target country (PL, CY, and CZ) will gather together young people both from participating schools. Gained experience will enrich the program and will be disseminated on line. Scope of the workshop is to provide the participants with skills and knowledge on Advocacy and Campaigning, so that they would be in position to implement the media campaign and distribute their work. The joint work will focus on:

  • MDG and ways of their promotions in media
  • Techniques of development of radio and television programs
  • Organisation of media campaigns.

Competitions on movies and reportages realized by youth participating in media school program

During summer camp youth groups from each of the participating schools will develop radio broadcasting and video materials. After completion of each of the camp there will be 32 video and 32 radio release material developed. They will be placed on the web page separately for each country. Thanks to on line voting mechanism internet users will select and nominate the best of them. Winners will be invited to Poland on the international Global Education Week and recognized as winners. Created materials will be also published on the DVD and broadcasted in cooperating media in respective countries.

International event: Global Education Week

It will be final, international event to summarise and present all the multimedia materials, winner movies and reportages, together with exhibition, workshops, seminars, cultural events. Global Education week will take place in Poland, Krakow and will last for 5 days. There will be different panel discussion open for wide public, including students, young people and all the people interested in the topic. Furthermore the best movies, reportages, posters and multimedia concerning development cooperation efforts will be chosen and shown during the Global Education Week for wider public

Development of complex multimedia materials about development issues and MDGs

Development of the complex multimedia materials about development issues and MDG will include:

  • Featured films on the development topics developed during activities of school media group
  • Printed and taped version of sceneries of the radio broadcasting in different languages
  • Tool Kit for MDGs education and workshop will be both printed and available on line in project languages
  • Training materials presenting web radio development,
  • Training materials presenting multimedia development,
  • Photos, films, documents,
  • 1500 DVD multimedia materials (films, broadcasts, presentations etc.) developed during the one year media programme at schools, national workshops and summer camps.

Media campaign in each target countries in cooperation with journalists from press, TV, Radio and online media

Concepts of the project include development and presentation of the media campaign with the active involvement and led by young people participating in the project. Taking into account experiences of preparatory actions and results of the summer camp for youth an outline of the media campaign will be elaborated and presented to the attention of the journalists and media professionals.

Informational campaign for teachers- special campaign in order to promote free, available materials on development issues

Around 20.000 teachers in target countries will be directly informed (via informational leaflets sent by post) about the project and possibility of downloading of the free, available materials on development issues, on e-platform with e- learning course and encourage teachers to organize special lessons at schools.

Expected Results

  • 16 leaders trained.
  • Network of 32 schools participating in school media program.
  • At least 32 Teachers and 900 youth participating in school media program
  • e - platform
  • e-learning course
  • complex educational- multimedia material.
  • Final result: raised awareness among youth in the target countries.