SDDP Local Authorities Troodos

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SDDP Local Authorities Troodos
Report Title SDDP Report for members of the local authorities of the mountain and Troodos area
Gr: Έκθεση Πορισμάτων Εργαστηρίου Δομημένου Διαλόγου Μεταξύ Μελών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης Κοινοτήτων των Ορεινών Περιοχών Τροόδους
Project Diagnosis of training and development needs for the local authorities of the Cyprus Republic
Gr: Παροχή υπηρεσιών διάγνωσης αναγκών μάθησης και ανάπτυξης στους οργανισμούς τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας
Triggering Question What influences the efficient operation of local authorities?
Gr: Τι περιορίζει την αποτελεσματική λειτουργία της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης;
Author(s) Aleco Christakis
Elena Aristodemou
Georgina Siitta Achilleos
Future Worlds Center
Editor(s) Marios Michaelides
Marios Constantinou
Vasos Savvides
Cyprus Academy of Public Administration
Total Duration 16 hrs

Executive Summary

The Troodos Co-Laboratory was part of 10 Structured Dialogic Design dialogues, which took place between December 2009 and February 2010 all over Cyprus as part of a government tender that aimed the improvement of local authorities in Cyprus. The Troodos co-Laboratory was the last of the 10 and took place at the Forest Park (Platres, Troodos) between 16-17 February, 2010. Twenty four representatives of various local authorities participated in the processes. Participants included both elected officials and employees of the municipalities and local authorities.
The Knowledge Management Team included Mr. Savvas Savva, President of the Local Authorities Union of Limassol and Mr. Marios Michaelides, Vice-President of the Cyprus Academy of Public Administration, in addition to Aleco Christakis, Yiannis Laouris and Georgina Siitta Achilleos.
The Triggering Question used was the same for all 10 SDDPs:

  • What influences the efficient operation of local authorities?

In response to the TQ, the 24 participants came up with 66 ideas which were categorized in 10 clusters. Following the voting process, 37 ideas received one or more votes, but only 23 ideas that received 2 or more votes were structured to create an influence MAP. The obstacles with the greatest negative influence on the efficiency of local authorities in Cyprus was according to the participants of the Troodos Co_Laboratotory, Idea #1, The long delays on the side of the government in taking decisions and Idea # 65, The fact that local authorities are not organized in larger complexes.

The implementation of 10 structured dialogues with the aim to provide a diagnosis of training and development needs for the local authorities of Cyprus, was part of a larger Government project.

The tender was implemented by a consortium of three partners:

  • Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM); as Coordinator
  • Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute (CNTI); in charge of the SDDPs
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd (PwC); in charge of the face-to-face interviews

Tender number: 4/2009; Contract number: 6/2009