European-Anti-Violence-Network Eavn

From Future Worlds Center Wiki

Relation to Future Worlds Center

Partners with Future Worlds Center in JoinTheNet IV – Dissemination of material for education and training on health symptoms caused by violence (PTSD).

European-Anti-Violence-Network EAVN
Type non-profit, non-governmental organisation
Legal status 2006
Location Athens, Greece

The European-Anti-Violence-Network Eavn is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, founded in November 2006, with its headquarters based in Athens, Greece. The aims of the European Anti-Violence Network are strictly scientific, educational and research oriented. The Network, more specifically, aims to:

  • network organisations whose activities are related to prevention and combating violence (develop synergies with organisations, other networks, etc.)
  • record, investigate and evaluate social phenomenon related to any type of violence
  • design and implement activities aiming to prevent and combat violence, such as:
  • development and dissemination of sensitisation materials on the issues pertaining to violence and abuse, addressing
  • the general population
  • communities or groups of citizens
  • children and adolescents
  • development of educational materials and implementation of theoretical and interactive educational programs, addressing
  • professionals of various disciplines (educators/instructors, health and mental health care providers, police officers and other public order professionals, judicial and legal professionals, etc.)
  • communities or groups of citizens
  • children and adolescents
  • development of scientific instruments for handling violence-related situations, addressing
  • professionals of various disciplines (educators/instructors, health and mental health care providers, police officers and other public order professionals, judicial and legal professionals, etc.)
  • communities or groups of citizens
  • the general population
  • children and adolescents

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