Melaina Spitzer

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Melaina Spitzer
Melaina Spitzer
With FWC 2003
Title Intern
Key Project(s) Youth Promoting Peace
Technology for Peace
Key Interests Media, Youth
Degree(s) BA in History of Divided Societies
Filed(s) of study to be..
University(ies) Brown University
Specialization(s) Conflict Studies and Human Rights
Notable Achievements to be..

Mrs. Melaina Spitzer served as an intern for Youth Promoting Peace and Technology for Peace in 2001???

Melaina was trained in Structured Democratic Dialogue and group facilitation. She later became a conflict transformation practitioner, and has been facilitating inter-cultural dialogue groups world-wide. She teaches Human Rights and Citizen Media at the School for International Training where she works with Iraqi youth. Melaina holds a degree in History of Divided Societies from Brown University, and is currently completing her Masters in International Relations- Peace, Conflict, and Security at the Universidad del Salvador in Argentina as a peace fellow.