
Joined 21 December 2017

I was born in Soviet Union in 1982 on Ural mountains in Polevskoy town that near Ekaterinburg big city. After graduate secondary school in 1997 went to Chemistry liceum of USU. After, by many successful results of olimpiads tests was invited to Ural Federal University (1999) which was finished in 2004. My chemestry carrier still in bachelor level becouse after UFU I decide change my skill to economy. And in 2004 was invited to international University of Wiliam Devidson (project of USA in Russia-RAMEC). And more, after managment eduacation in RAMEC I go to express myself in programming and design. Since my independent life I am busy in computer sciense. Work even in sales of Windows+ServerMS+MS Office licenses. When I provide educational packets to use Arch-Constructive soft from Nemetschek and Bentley systems - I start my own business in 3D software. I create my company and try to make a VIRTUAL REALITY