
13 editsJoined 14 September 2022

Ilke has been a peace practitioner and researcher for over 15 years and a peace activist for over two decades. She has an MSc in Security and Development from the University of Bristol and a PhD on Security, Identity and Peacebuilding from the University of Warwick. Before her academic career at Warwick and Exeter Universities, where she taught World Politics and International Principles of Business respectively, Ilke worked as a project coordinator, project developer, consultant and facilitator for CSO and SME projects in partnership with UN and EU agencies as well as a consultant for polling companies in Cyprus. She co-authored and coordinated myriad peacebuilding programmes such as The Civil Society Dialogue, Cyprus Community Media Centre, Access Info Cyprus, Play for Peace and ENGAGE Do Your Part for Peace. Ilke's peace practitioner work dates back to 1996 as a youth activist. In 2007, Ilke started to work with Cyprus EU Association and Future Worlds Centre and then continued her practitioner work in Cyprus until 2012, when she moved to the UK for her PhD. Ilke joined SeeD as a Senior Security Researcher in 2016 transitioned into the role of Head of Programmes and Field Operations in 2017, overseeing SeeD's global programmes and research efforts as well as R&D work on constructive citizenship and economic resilience. Ilke also sits on SeeD’s Board and acts as the chair of the organisation’s Executive Branch.