Towards a technology transfer roadmap from the Coordination Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT (CARDIAC)
This article presents the initial results from the first road-mapping event organised on the theme technology-transfer in the field of assistive and ICT products by the FP7 Coordination Action CARDIAC (Coordination Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT). The paper will first of all set out the context of technology transfer within the field accessible and assistive ICT products before going on to describe the SDDP (Structured Dialogic Design Process) methodology employed to generate the roadmap. The article will conclude with an initial analysis of the roadmap and some suggestions as to the next steps that need to be taken to enhance technology transfer in this field
Roe, P., Gill, J., Allen, B., Boyle, B., Heck, H., Shitta, G., & Laouris, Y. (2011). Towards a technology transfer roadmap from the Coordination Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT (CARDIAC). Technology and Disability, 23(3), 171-181.