George Varnavas
George Varnavas is a lawyer-legal consultant who was subcontracted by Future Worlds Center's Humanitarian Affairs Unit as a legal advisor on the Improvement of the situation of Asylum Seekers in Cyprus, a project funded by the German Embassy, which offers legal services free of charge to asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, undocumented persons and detainees
He was also subcontracted from February 2014 to June 2014 by the Future Worlds Center as a legal advisor focused on the Provision of Free Legal Assistance to Asylum Seekers, funded by European Refugee Fund Solidarity Funds, which offers legal and social support, free of charge, to asylum seekers and refugees currently in Cyprus.
His duties include providing information on the asylum procedure, representation of asylum seekers through procedures before the Asylum Service and Refugee Reviewing Authority, visiting asylum seekers in detention facilities, reviewing asylum seekers files and preparing written interventions to the appropriate authorities.
Short Bio
George Varnavas holds a a Bachelors degree in Mediterranean Studies, International Relations and Organizations from the University of Aegean (Greece) and a degree in Law (LLB) from the University of Nicosia (Cyprus). He also has a Master in Business Administration (MBA).
He speakes Greek, English and Spanish.
George became a member of the Cyprus Bar Association in 2013 and he is specialized in human rights.
He is interested in humanitarian and environmental issues.