DIALE Dialogue Workshop for FWC
DIALE project website (general information): hamk.fi/diale
The Method Cards (the material that it was given to you during the workshop, with further explanation): https://wiki.hamk.fi/display/diale/Dialogical+method+cards . You will notice that there are Method Cards beyond those we have visited on Monday. There will be more workshops organized in the future, so I will make sure you will know about it!
Recorded cases where the methods have been applied, in various contexts: https://wiki.hamk.fi/display/diale/Piloting+and+testing
Examples of dialogues with explanations, in the form of an e-learning system (please be patient with all the clicking - and you can also mute the background music! :) : http://www3.hamk.fi/dialogi/english/
I would be glad if they would be of any use for you, or even if you have got something of interest by the workshop (or, at least the jokes).
Furthermore, here's the DIALE page on Facebook (or "Μουτσουνοκετάπα", ή "Φατσοβιβλίο" if you prefer): https://www.facebook.com/pages/Diale-Deep-learning-through-dialogue/100644693352028 . Please "Like" ("Αρέσκω")!