Advocacy and Campaigning for Human Rights Workshop in Tel Aviv

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Advocacy and Campaigning for Human Rights and Democratisation in Tel Aviv
Advocacy and Campaigning for Human Rights and Democratisation in Tel Aviv
Project Act Beyond Borders
Date(s) 11-12th of August 2013
Type of participants CSOs Representatives, NGOs
Total Duration 18-hours

The workshop took place in Tel Aviv on the 11th and 12th of August 2013. The first day of the workshop on Advocacy and Campaigning for Human Rights and Democratisation concentrated upon fundamentals such as: Human Rights and Democratization, policy making and dynamics, campaigning and research. The second day of the workshops focused on advocacy planning cycle, advocacy planning tools and monitorind and evaluation systems. The participants had time to reflect on the difficulties of building trust in teams and understand the whole process of networking and team building. The activities which were included in the training gave the participants a hands-on experience.