Application of the Structured Dialogic Design Process to Examining Economic Integration and Free Trade in Cyprus

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Application of the Structured Dialogic Design Process to Examining Economic Integration and Free Trade in Cyprus
Application of the Structured Dialogic Design Process to Examining Economic Integration and Free Trade in Cyprus
Authors Yiannis Laouris, Tatjana Taraszow, Mustafa Damdelen, Ilke Dağl, Derya Beyatl, Andros Karayiannis, Kevin Dye & Alexander N. Christakis
Journal ALAR Journal
Volume 21(1)
Pages 11 - 52
Year 2012


Following the failure of the Annan Plan to reunite the island, Cypriot peace pioneers identified the challenge of economic integration as root cause of the perceived widening of the gap between the divided communities. Three successive Co-Laboratories brought together twenty-one (Turkish- and Greek-speaking Cypriot) business and economist stakeholder representatives to create a citizens’ platform and devise an action plan. The Co-Laboratories provided space for exploring future options and goals, besides diagnosing current problems in economic integration and the free movement of goods and services in Cyprus. They aimed at envisioning the ideal, desired situation, defining the current problematic economic situation, and exploring influences between alternative actions that could improve the current situation. They were implemented using the Structured Dialogic Design Process within the context of rich web-based communication. Participants invested 325 person-hours. The UNDP sponsored the Co-Laboratories in the context of the Civil Society Dialogue Project.


Laouris, Y., Taraszow, T., Damdelen, M., Dağli, I., Beyatli, D., Karayiannis, A., ... & Christakis, A. N. (2015). Application of the structured dialogic design process to examining economic integration and free trade in Cyprus. ALAR: Action Learning and Action Research Journal, 21(1), 11-52.

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