Cyberethics Live Link from MyMALL - Anoikth grammi 07/02/2012

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Cyberethics Radio appearance on Anoikth grammi
Cyberethics Radio appearance on Anoikth grammi
Project Cyberethics
Media Name Anoikth grammi
Date(s) 07/02/2012
Audience Anoikth grammi audience
Link(s) http:CyberEthics GIII: Island-wide combined Safer Internet Awareness Node, Hotline, Helpline

On the 7th February 2012, the SID 2012 Fair - MyMall Limassol was broadcasted live by the CyBC national radio station. During the show the host and the representative of the Cyberethics team discussed about the SID 2012, the Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline and Hotline.