Cyberethics at Apostolos Markos Lyceum 16/02/2011

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On 16 February 2011 a visit was made to the Apostolos Markos Lyceum by the Cyberethics team. There Cyberethics team has given a presentation to 170 students and teachers regarding the Internet dangers, new technologies and Police Internet related statistics was carried out at the Apostolos Markos Lyceum. This activity took place in the context of Cyberethics GIII. Cyberethics team was represented by Dr. Yiannis Laouris, Mrs. Iliada Spyrou, Mr. Markos Nikolettis and Mr. Dinos Georgiades. Following the presentation a discussion was carried out with the students about the above topics.Promotional materials were also distributed to both the students and the teachers.

Presentation at Apostolos Markos Lyceum
Presentation at Apostolos Markos Lyceum
Project Cyberethics
Place Apostolos Markos Lyceum, Strovolos
Date(s) 16/02/2011
Person in charge Iliada Syprou
Type of participants Students and teachers
Number of participants 170
Link(s) Cyberethics, CyberEthics GIII: Island-wide combined Safer Internet Awareness Node, Hotline, Helpline