Cyta at Paphos Elementary School for Cyberethics 01/03/2011

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Cyta at Paphos Elementary School for Cybertethics 01/03/2011
Cyta at Paphos Elementary School for Cybertethics 01/03/2011
Project Cyberethics
Place Paphos Elementary School
Date(s) 01/03/2011
Type of participants Students and teachers
Number of participants 50 students and 1 teacher

On the 1st of March 2011 a visit was made to the Paphos Elementary School by the Cyberethics team. There Cyberethics team has given a presentation, to 50 students and 1 teacher, regarding the Internet dangers and the ways to be protected. This activity took place in the context of CyberEthics GIII: Island-wide combined Safer Internet Awareness Node, Hotline, Helpline.