Danielle Alexis Cosgrove

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Danielle Alexis Cosgrove
Danielle Alexis Cosgrove
Period at FWC to be..
Field of Study International Relations and Cultural Studies
Sending University University of Sussex
Sending Professor to be..
Local Mentor to be..
Involvement at FWC “Strengthening Asylum in Cyprus”
Achievements to be..

Danielle worked for the FWC as an intern in 2007. During her tenure at the FWC, she assisted the legal advisors working on the UNHCR project entitled “Strengthening Asylum in Cyprus”. Danielle is originally from Trinidad and Tobago, but was brought up on and lived in three different continents. At present, she is completing a joint honors degree of International Relations and Cultural Studies at the University of Sussex (UK). She is a first and second year student representative for International Relations and a member of several associations, including the School of Social Sciences and Cul- tural Studies Curriculum Development Committee, Amnesty International (University of Sussex Chapter), UNICEF (University of Sussex Chapter), the Asian Caribbean and African Society and StopAIDS (University of Sussex Chapter).