Eleftherios Michael

From Future Worlds Center Wiki
Eleftherios Michael
Eleftherios Michael
With FWC Every Spring Semester
Title Academic Director of Peace and Conflict resolution Program at the American University

Eleftherios Michael is a Cypriot-American Professor, Academic Director for the Peace and Conflict Resolution (PCR) Program of the Washington Semester Program of the American University. He is a conflict analyst and conflict resolution practitioner with more than a decade of experience in post-conflict zones. He has trained and equipped more than 2,000 high schools students, college undergrads and graduate level students with conflict resolution and collaborative problem-solving skills.

His areas of research are in international peacemaking and peacebuilding as well as the role of civil society in sustaining peace in post-conflict communities.

Every fall semeser the PCR program includes a three-week visit to the Balkans (Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and the United Nations in Vienna, Austira) and every spring semester a trip to Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. During the Cyprus team, Prof. Michael always organizes a session in collaboration with Future Worlds Center, during which FWC Associates present the various projects of the organization and Dr. Yiannis Laouris discusses with the students Cypriot-initiated peace and conflict resolution activities.

Academic background

  • ABD/PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
  • MSc in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
  • BA in Political Science/Economics/Business Administration, McDaniel College

External links
