Georgia Nathanael

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Revision as of 04:19, 16 June 2013 by Laouris (talk | contribs)
Georgia Nathanael
Georgia Nathanael
With FWC 2008-2010
Title External Associate
Key Project(s) JoinTheNet - PTSD
Key Interests write the interests of the associate
Degree(s) Psychology Degree at the National Kapodistreian University in Athens (1998-2003)
Filed(s) of study write the fiels(s) of study of the associate
University(ies) write the university/ies of the associate
Specialization(s) write the specialization(s) of the associate
Notable Achievements write the notable achievements of the associate

Georgia Nathanael has coordinated, together with Mary Ioannou the JoinTheNet - PTSD project, which was focused on the education of professionals dealing with this disorder through lectures and workshops.

Relation to Future Worlds Center

Georgia participated in a number of projects such as:

Georgia completed her Psychology Degree at the National Kapodistreian University in Athens (1998-2003) and then did a post graduate degree on Clinical and Public Health Aspects of Addiction at the King’s College-University of London (Psychiatric Institute, 2004-2005)