Policy: Parental Leave and Remote Work

From Future Worlds Center Wiki

According to Cyprus legislation (Ο Περί Γονικής Άδειας και Άδειας για Λόγους Aνωτέρας Bίας Nόμος του 2012 (Ν. 47(I)/2012), Parental Leave is provided for a period of 18 weeks starting between the ninth and second weeks preceding the week of the expected birth or for a period of16 weeks in the case of adoption or for a period of 14 weeks in the case of surrogate mothers starting 2 weeks before the expected week of confinement.

Acknowledging the importance of parents to be with their child for the first phases of his/her life, Future Worlds Center provides the parents Associates the opportunity for a remote work for a period of 18 weeks.

This period can be extended under certain circumstances following a detailed justification provided by the Associate.