User:A. Roxana Cárdenas

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Roxana Cárdenas is coordinator of the Program for Citizen-centered Urbanism at the School of Government and Public Transformation, at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico. She was the National Director for Social Development also at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, from August 2009 to May 2014. From December 2006 to May 2009 she was Deputy General Director for Planning reporting to the Coordinator of the Cabinet at the Office of the President of the Mexican Republic. Previous appointments at the Tecnológico de Monterrey include: Manager of the Strategic Projects Office, Special Projects Manager for the Vicepresident of Research and Development, and Head of the Systems Engineering Department. She is Full Professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the School of Government and Public Transformation. She spent a sabbatical leave at George Mason University, USA as an associate researcher with John N. Warfield. She has participated in different research and consulting projects, and conducting training programmes for the public and private sectors in Mexico, Canada, the US, the Ivory Coast, Ghana and El Salvador. Roxana has been invited speaker and presented papers in several conferences and universities worldwide. Her research and professional activities are focused on participative approaches to planning and design in the context of complex situations.