Cogniscope Software: Difference between revisions

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===Cogniscope v.1===
===Cogniscope v.1===
The Institute for 21st Century Agoras is distributing 1000 copies of CognSystem I [CS I] software for participatory design along with a user manual. To get a copy of this software, you need only register on this site by creating a profile and download the software. Proceeding with the download signifies that you accept the following user agreement.:
Use of the CogniSystem I ™software constitutes an explicit agreement to abide by the following:
Upon registering as a recipient of the software at the website of the Institute for the 21st Century Agoras, users are granted an unlimited, worldwide license to install and operate the software on any three (3) computer systems that they may periodically use.
End-users will make no claims with respect to the practice of the CogniScope ™ method unless those users are certified as trained in this method by the Institute for the 21st Century Agoras or its designated corporate training affiliate.
End users will hold blameless CWA, ltd., the Institute for the 21st Century Agoras, and any corporate partners of the Institute for any damages, alleged or actual, that may result from the use of this software.
Users will not copy and redistribute copies of the software

===Cogniscope v.2===
===Cogniscope v.2===