Lorena Ndreu

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Lorena Ndreu
Lorena Ndreu
Period at FWC Dec 2017 - Jan 2018
Field of Study Computer Science, Computer Architecture
Sending Professor to be ..
Local Mentor to be ..
Involvement at FWC to be ..
Achievements to be ..

Short Bio

Lorena holds a MSc and a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus (2014). She has been working, as a Special Scientist, at different European Project such as Uniserver (HORIZON2020), Harpa (FP7), Eurocloud (FP7) from 2009 until 2016. Her main research area was in Computer Architecture and she was a Researcher at Xi Computer Architecture Lab at the University of Cyprus (2009-2016). Also, she has been working as a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus from 2015 and as a Computer Science Lecturer at KESS College for the Spring Semester 2017. Her main programming skills are in C/C++, Python, Bash Scripting etc.