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       |funding_period=1/11/2003 – 31/4/2005
       |funding_period=1/11/2003 – 31/4/2005
       |coordinator=[[Yiannis Laouris]]<br>[[Bulent Kanol]]<br>[[George Tziapouras]]<br>[[Reinhard Eckert]]<br>[[ Patricia Scheid]]
       |coordinator=[[Elia Petridou]] <br> [[Selhan Zeki]]  
       |funding_agency=[[United States Institute of Peace|USIP]]
       |funding_agency=[[United States Institute of Peace|USIP]]
       |partners=[[The Management Centre]]
       |partners=[[The Management Centre]]
==Reconciliation Now-Project objectives==

# Promote economic development in northern Cyprus by convening groups of business people to examine opportunities and barriers, providing training (conflict resolution, entrepreneurship & management skills), access to information and technical advice to facilitate the creation of joint Turkish and Greek Cypriot business ventures.
==Events organized==
* [[3rd International SME Conference “SMEs Facing the Change”]]
* [[Human Rights through Media Literacy]]
During the implementation of the '''Reconciliation Now!''' contract, a number of different sub-projects were implemented:
# Media Development Project (including follow-up projects/activities related to the 2002 Young Journalists Project)
# North-South Economic Cooperation Project
# Improving the Capacity of Cypriot NGOs to Plan and Manage Bicommunal Projects
The goal of the Reconciliation Now! program was to contribute to the peace and reconciliation process in Cyprus by supporting projects that expand opportunities for Greek and Turkish Cypriots to cooperate in three strategic areas, namely:
* Media development and responsible journalism;
* Economic cooperation (ie. training and technical assistance to support joint business ventures); and
* Strengthening the capabilities of Cypriot civil society to plan and manage bicommunal programs that will create opportunities for Cypriots throughout the island to participate in citizen dialogue and access conflict resolution training and mediation opportunities.
==Media Development==
The '''Media Literacy''' project was funded by US-based Foundation [[HasNa Inc.]]. The project involved the organization of a series of workshops island-wide about issues related to media literacy. The workshops were implemented by [[Gary Gumpert]] and [[Suzan Drucker]]. Mrs. [[Elia Petridou]] was selected to coordinate this project by an ad-hoc hiring committee which included the members of the project's advisory board plus a volunteer and an intern. The Advisory Board supervised the process from launch to completion.
* [[Human Rights through Media Literacy]]
* [[Media Conference]]
==Members of the Advisory Board==
The following personalities served as members of the Advisory Board:
* [[Yiannis Laouris]], President of the [[Technology for Peace]] initiative
* [[Hayat Hüsseyin Yasamsal]], President of [[The Olive Branch (ZEYTIN DALI)|The Olive Branch]]
* [[Devrim Yasamsal]], Secretary of [[The Olive Branch (ZEYTIN DALI)|The Olive Branch]]
* [[Bulent Kanol]], President of [[The Management Centre]]
* [[Maria Hadjipavlou]], President of [[Peace Centre Cyprus]]
* [[Harry Anastasiou]], Professor of Peace Studies, Portland State University
* [[Romina Laouri]], political science student
The project engaged a few hundred participants in 6 workshops that included Greek and Turkis Cypriot Teachers, Journalist and Trade Unionists and activists involved in the Promotion of Human Rights.
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file:HR_Classic_16.jpg|[[Gary Gumpert]] - [[Suzan Drucker]]
file:HasnaWomenInvitation.jpg|Invitation for womens' conference
file:HasnaPoster220905.png|Precursor for the bicommunal radio
File:HasNa Inv YoungJournalists 6 11 02.jpg|nvitation to a conference
==Project objectives==
# Promote economic development in Northern Cyprus by convening groups of business people to examine opportunities and barriers, providing training (conflict resolution, entrepreneurship & management skills), access to information and technical advice to facilitate the creation of joint Turkish and Greek Cypriot business ventures.
# Enhance the role of the media in the reconciliation process by creating a critical mass of journalists and editors within Cyprus’s leading media organizations that understand the ethics and practices of a free and balanced media, and that have acquired new skills to advance the practice of journalism in Cyprus.
# Enhance the role of the media in the reconciliation process by creating a critical mass of journalists and editors within Cyprus’s leading media organizations that understand the ethics and practices of a free and balanced media, and that have acquired new skills to advance the practice of journalism in Cyprus.
# Improve the skills of managers and young professionals in a few select NGOs in Cyprus to design and manage more strategic and effective bicommunal programs.
# Improve the skills of managers and young professionals in a few select NGOs in Cyprus to design and manage more strategic and effective bicommunal programs.

==Project background and justification==
The brief below will give an overview of the (situation) social, economic & political and explain/emerging the reader to the situation "Reconciliation Now" aims to overcome.  
Over the last year, a series of political developments have once again attracted international attention and paved the way for new, grassroots peace building initiatives that aim at reaching a lasting solution to the Cyprus problem.
The collapse of the talks between the leaders of the two communities at The Hague in December 2002, an unprecedented popular mobilization of Turkish Cypriots, and the signing of the Cyprus Accession Treaty by the European Union (EU) all created pressure that eventually led to a partial opening of the border.  This has allowed crossings of the Green Line beginning in late April 2003.  More than half a million Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots crossed for the first time since 1974.  Most of them visited their previous homes, a very painful process that was handled with extreme responsibility by the majority of Cypriots.  Out of hundreds of thousands of crossings, only on a few occasions were tensions or expressions of violence observed.  This positive public behavior can be partly attributed to the dedicated and persistent work of peace-builders that took place during the past ten years. 
Because of a 30-year economic embargo against the Denktas regime, the economy of Northern Cyprus remains severely depressed.  Thus, another important outcome of the border opening is that citizens have now also begun thousands of cross-community economic transactions.  This small capital injection has boosted the morale of Turkish Cypriots, and may be contributing to the reduction of the number leaving the island in search of better living conditions.  More significantly, the United Nations and the EU have also begun to provide some resources for economic collaboration and promoting interactions between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot business communities.  In the next few years, with Cyprus’s accession to the EU, resource commitments in support of economic advancement programs are expected to continue to grow significantly, although the amount flowing into Northern Cyprus will ultimately depend upon whether Cyprus accedes to the EU as a divided or a united nation.
Overall, Cypriot citizens’ actions during the past months have demonstrated their strong desire to live together in cooperation and harmony, sending a message to politicians that is becoming harder to ignore.  Many activists and observers believe that the window of opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem is once again open, but for a limited time. Civil society groups are faced with the challenge of intensifying and becoming more strategic in their peace efforts, ensuring that a culture of peace and cooperation survives and flourishes in the post-settlement era.

===Overview of Turkish and Greek Cypriot NGO Peace Building Initiatives===
===Overview of Turkish and Greek Cypriot NGO Peace Building Initiatives===
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Since 1974, economic activity between the two sides of this divided island has been practically non-existent.  In addition to the obstacles imposed by the political status quo, this can be attributed to: (i) the economic embargo imposed on Northern Cyprus by the U.N. and the EU; and (ii) Turkey’s non-recognition of the Republic of Cyprus and, as a consequence, the ports of the island.  Despite the economic aid provided by Turkey (U.S. $100-200 million annually), the economy of Northern Cyprus remains seriously depressed.  External studies have concluded that a peace settlement in Cyprus would have important economic benefits for all Cypriots, but most significantly for Turkish Cypriots.   
Since 1974, economic activity between the two sides of this divided island has been practically non-existent.  In addition to the obstacles imposed by the political status quo, this can be attributed to: (i) the economic embargo imposed on Northern Cyprus by the U.N. and the EU; and (ii) Turkey’s non-recognition of the Republic of Cyprus and, as a consequence, the ports of the island.  Despite the economic aid provided by Turkey (U.S. $100-200 million annually), the economy of Northern Cyprus remains seriously depressed.  External studies have concluded that a peace settlement in Cyprus would have important economic benefits for all Cypriots, but most significantly for Turkish Cypriots.   
A study by Robert Nathan Associates, a U.S. consulting firm, identified four factors that will “profoundly influence the institutional framework for Cyprus’ post-settlement economy:  EU accession, the Annan Plan structures, financial assistance from the international donor community, and the ‘peace dividend’.”
Over the past four years, the Greek Cypriot economy, has made legal and policy reforms in the areas of banking, taxes, trade and market liberalization to align itself with the EU’s “acquis communautaire”.  On May 1, 2004, the Greek Cypriot economy will become part of an expanded EU market of over 400 million consumers.  EU entry will take place regardless of whether there is a settlement of the Cyprus problem, although the EU has expressed its preference for accession of a united Cyprus.
Evidence suggests that many in the Turkish Cypriot community agree.  However, because of the current state of affairs, the Turkish Cypriot economy has not even begun to analyze the reforms that will be required by the acquis communautaire, nor to set any of these reforms in motion.  Delaying a political settlement will only prolong the Turkish Cypriot community’s economic disadvantages.  A settlement is expected to generate sharply increased financial inflows, especially in infrastructure development, tourism, housing and other construction. 
The Turkish Cypriot economy is in a period of “severe stagnation”.  Its weak performance is attributed to three major factors: (i) a banking crisis in 2000; (ii) a 60% devaluation of the Turkish lira by Turkey in February 2001 that caused a massive decline in purchasing power for Turkish Cypriots; and (iii) growing uncertainty regarding a peace settlement, which has inhibited individual investment.  Most of the real growth in the Turkish Cypriot economy during the past several years has been in the services sector, especially transportation, communications, business and personal services.  One success story in terms of economic growth has been tertiary education.  With five universities serving 23,000 students from the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region, higher education has become a major foreign exchange earner for the Turkish Cypriot economy, although the quality of education provided through this system needs improvement.
Many believe that long-lasting peace will only be achieved in Cyprus when the economic difference between Turkish and Greek Cypriots is minimized. Both the UN and the EU are now making available, for the first time, funds for projects to encourage joint business ventures, especially business activities that will contribute to the economic development of the North. However, the supporting infrastructure for business people to effectively form such partnerships and to absorb and benefit from these new opportunities is still lacking. 
This project will deploy a team with experience in business development to actively work with potential joint business venture candidates, supporting them from beginning to end to apply, manage and benefit from such opportunities, and to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed.

Robert Nathan Associates (a U.S-based consulting firm) prepared a detailed study of the Economic Future of Cyprus that examines the benefits of a peace settlement.  According to Nathan Associates, the economic growth that likely would accompany a settlement will have important implications and require a series of structural adjustments.  Such adjustments must take place on both sides as Cyprus harmonizes with the EU and as the Turkish Cypriot economy modernizes.  For example, investment and human capital would need to be shifted into more efficient sectors, and some companies would need to be upgraded to be able to compete within the EU and global markets.  At the same time, substantial EU financial resources and other forms of assistance are expected to flow into the Cypriot economy, creating new opportunities.
Robert Nathan Associates (a U.S-based consulting firm) prepared a detailed study of the Economic Future of Cyprus that examines the benefits of a peace settlement.  According to Nathan Associates, the economic growth that likely would accompany a settlement will have important implications and require a series of structural adjustments.  Such adjustments must take place on both sides as Cyprus harmonizes with the EU and as the Turkish Cypriot economy modernizes.  For example, investment and human capital would need to be shifted into more efficient sectors, and some companies would need to be upgraded to be able to compete within the EU and global markets.  At the same time, substantial EU financial resources and other forms of assistance are expected to flow into the Cypriot economy, creating new opportunities.
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Unfortunately a political settlement has not been reached yet. However, some progress has been achieved: i) relatively free movement of business people across the border; and iii) the exchange of some goods and services as a result of the lifting of certain restrictions.
Unfortunately a political settlement has not been reached yet. However, some progress has been achieved: i) relatively free movement of business people across the border; and iii) the exchange of some goods and services as a result of the lifting of certain restrictions.

Following are two examples of new opportunities that are emerging to support cooperation between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot business communities.
To support this momentum two new EU funded programs have recently been announced to encourage joint ventures between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot business people. The first one, the "Business Support Project" is managed locally by UNOPS and will provide funding for projects up to $30,000. The second will be managed through the Trade Unions and is expected to provide approximately U.S. $2.5 million (however, no specific guidelines have been announced yet). Both projects are targeting small and medium size enterprises (SMEs).
To support the spirit of business (colla) opportunities & intercommunal collaboration, CNTI has step up its action/work/ its commitment on bringing the two communities closer and enhancing capacity building and innovation. In this respect following a board decision it was decided/agreed that the services of an EU funded project on business innovation and incubation will be made available to T.C interested parties.
Analytically, CNTI serves as the Research & Development Unit of Ekkotek Ltd., one of the first high-technology business incubators in Cyprus. Ekkotek is funded through an EUMEDIS grant for the promotion of innovation in Euro-Mediterranean countries. The management team of this project has agreed to extend its benefits and services to Turkish Cypriot business people, should the training modules be relevant to their needs. This can be done through: i) organizing seminars and workshops for young business leaders or aspiring entrepreneurs in the Turkish Cypriot community; ii) setting up a distance learning facility in the North (possibly at the Management Centre) where Turkish Cypriot entrepreneurs can tap into pre-existing training modules on business development.  
Taking into consideration the status quo on the island, the new political developments and these new EU and UN initiatives pose two critical challenges:

1. Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
1. How to ensure that both Greek and Turkish Cypriots benefit from an eventual “peace dividend”; and <br>
Two new EU funded programs have recently been announced to encourage joint ventures between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot business people. The first one, the "Business Support Project" is managed locally by UNOPS and will provide funding for projects up to $30,000. The second will be managed through the Trade Unions and is expected to provide approximately U.S. $2.5 million (however, no specific guidelines have been announced yet).
2. How to ensure that business people and their employees are equipped with the appropriate business, conflict resolution, mediation and negotiation skills to cooperate effectively and thus succeed in joint ventures.

2. Distance Education in Entrepreneurship
CNTI serves as the Research & Development Unit of Ekkotek Ltd., one of the first high-technology business incubators in Cyprus. Ekkotek is funded through an EUMEDIS grant for the promotion of innovation in Euro-Mediterranean countries. The management team of this project has agreed to extend its benefits and services to Turkish Cypriot business people, should the training modules be relevant to their needs. This can be done through: i) organizing seminars and workshops for young business leaders or aspiring entrepreneurs in the Turkish Cypriot community; ii) setting up a distance learning facility in the North (possibly at the Management Centre) where Turkish Cypriot entrepreneurs can tap into pre-existing training modules on business development.  
CNTI serves as the Research & Development Unit of Ekkotek Ltd., one of the first high-technology business incubators in Cyprus. Ekkotek is funded through an EUMEDIS grant for the promotion of innovation in Euro-Mediterranean countries. The management team of this project has agreed to extend its benefits and services to Turkish Cypriot business people, should the training modules be relevant to their needs. This can be done through: i) organizing seminars and workshops for young business leaders or aspiring entrepreneurs in the Turkish Cypriot community; ii) setting up a distance learning facility in the North (possibly at the Management Centre) where Turkish Cypriot entrepreneurs can tap into pre-existing training modules on business development.  

Thus, recent political developments in Cyprus, in conjunction with these new EU and UN initiatives pose two critical challenges:
On this backdrop, the project '''Reconciliation Now!''' focuses on areas identified by HasNa through a process of needs analysis and consultation, including: (i) project ideas that were the outcome of two meetings of a Senior Trainers Group ‘think tank’ in Cyprus; (ii) a visit to Cyprus by HasNa board member Chris Zachariadis in May 2003; (iii) a one week program development trip to Cyprus by HasNa’s Executive Director, Ms. Pat Scheid, in July 2003.  During this trip, Ms. Scheid met and brainstormed with NGOs and other senior peace builders, representatives from donor agencies (USAID, U.S. Embassy, UNOPS, Fullbright Commission), and the past participants of HasNa’s Young Journalists Project.  The focus was to define a program strategy, develop a proposal given current opportunities and challenges, and review project management infrastructure (planning, reporting, accountability, etc.) with an eye towards building capacity for this and future initiatives.  The program areas that HasNa has chosen to focus on are:
1. How to ensure that both Greek and Turkish Cypriots benefit from an eventual “peace dividend”; and
2. How to ensure that business people and their employees are equipped with the appropriate business, conflict resolution, mediation and negotiation skills to cooperate effectively and thus succeed in joint ventures. 
This proposal focuses on areas identified by HasNa through a process of needs analysis and consultation, including: (i) project ideas that were the outcome of two meetings of a Senior Trainers Group ‘think tank’ in Cyprus; (ii) a visit to Cyprus by HasNa board member Chris Zachariadis in May 2003; (iii) a one week program development trip to Cyprus by HasNa’s Executive Director, Ms. Pat Scheid, in July 2003.  During this trip, Ms. Scheid met and brainstormed with NGOs and other senior peace builders, representatives from donor agencies (USAID, U.S. Embassy, UNOPS, Fullbright Commission), and the past participants of HasNa’s Young Journalists Project.  The focus was to define a program strategy, develop a proposal given current opportunities and challenges, and review project management infrastructure (planning, reporting, accountability, etc.) with an eye towards building capacity for this and future initiatives.  The program areas that HasNa has chosen to focus on are:
• Building the skills of journalists and the role of the media in the reconciliation process;
• Providing supportive services to Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot joint business ventures to begin to build the foundations for a common future. 
• Training, team-building and the development of more strategic programs that will help to sustain the work of the next generation of NGO professionals and peace builders. 

* Building the skills of journalists and the role of the media in the reconciliation process;
* Providing supportive services to Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot joint business ventures to begin to build the foundations for a common future. 
* Training, team-building and the development of more strategic programs that will help to sustain the work of the next generation of NGO professionals and peace builders. 

==Project activities==
==Project activities==
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Public Forums, Group Discussions and Promoting Media Literacy: Open forums and presentations will be organized in locations throughout the country on current and “hot issues” with the purpose of increasing public awareness, facilitating structured citizen dialogue and promoting media literacy.  Citizens will also be given opportunities to participate in conflict resolution training programs, facilitated by a core group of senior trainers, through these public forums.   
Public Forums, Group Discussions and Promoting Media Literacy: Open forums and presentations will be organized in locations throughout the country on current and “hot issues” with the purpose of increasing public awareness, facilitating structured citizen dialogue and promoting media literacy.  Citizens will also be given opportunities to participate in conflict resolution training programs, facilitated by a core group of senior trainers, through these public forums.   

==Project background and justification==

Over the last year, a series of political developments have once again attracted international attention and paved the way for new, grassroots peace building initiatives that aim at reaching a lasting solution to the Cyprus problem.
The collapse of the talks between the leaders of the two communities at The Hague in December 2002, an unprecedented popular mobilization of Turkish Cypriots, and the signing of the Cyprus Accession Treaty by the European Union (EU) all created pressure that eventually led to a partial opening of the border.  This has allowed crossings of the Green Line beginning in late April 2003.  More than half a million Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots crossed for the first time since 1974.  Most of them visited their previous homes, a very painful process that was handled with extreme responsibility by the majority of Cypriots.  Out of hundreds of thousands of crossings, only on a few occasions were tensions or expressions of violence observed.  This positive public behavior can be partly attributed to the dedicated and persistent work of peace-builders that took place during the past ten years. 
Because of a 30-year economic embargo against the Denktas regime, the economy of Northern Cyprus remains severely depressed.  Thus, another important outcome of the border opening is that citizens have now also begun thousands of cross-community economic transactions.  This small capital injection has boosted the morale of Turkish Cypriots, and may be contributing to the reduction of the number leaving the island in search of better living conditions.  More significantly, the United Nations and the EU have also begun to provide some resources for economic collaboration and promoting interactions between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot business communities.  In the next few years, with Cyprus’s accession to the EU, resource commitments in support of economic advancement programs are expected to continue to grow significantly, although the amount flowing into Northern Cyprus will ultimately depend upon whether Cyprus accedes to the EU as a divided or a united nation.
Overall, Cypriot citizens’ actions during the past months have demonstrated their strong desire to live together in cooperation and harmony, sending a message to politicians that is becoming harder to ignore.  Many activists and observers believe that the window of opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem is once again open, but for a limited time. Civil society groups are faced with the challenge of intensifying and becoming more strategic in their peace efforts, ensuring that a culture of peace and cooperation survives and flourishes in the post-settlement era. Our project, "Reconciliation Now intends to do exactly that. The project, as noted above concetrates on three pillars: <br>
During the implementation of the '''Reconciliation Now!''' contract, a number of different sub-projects were implemented:
# Media Literacy Project (including follow-up projects/activities related to the 2002 Young Journalists Project)
# North-South Economic Cooperation Project
# Improving the Capacity of Cypriot NGOs to Plan and Manage Bicommunal Projects
The goal of the Reconciliation Now! program was to contribute to the peace and reconciliation process in Cyprus by supporting projects that expand opportunities for Greek and Turkish Cypriots to cooperate in three strategic areas, namely:
* Media development and responsible journalism;
* Economic cooperation (ie. training and technical assistance to support joint business ventures); and
* Strengthening the capabilities of Cypriot civil society to plan and manage bicommunal programs that will create opportunities for Cypriots throughout the island to participate in citizen dialogue and access conflict resolution training and mediation opportunities.
==Media Literacy==
The project was funded by US-based Foundation [[HasNa Inc.]]. The project involved the organization of a series of workshops island-wide about issues related to media literacy. The workshops were implemented by Dr. [[Gary Gumpert]] and Dr.[[Suzan Drucker]]. Mrs. [[Elia Petridou]] from [[Future Worlds Center|FWC]] and Selhan Zeki of the Management Centre were selected to coordinate this project. The Advisory Board supervised the process from launch to completion. <br>
Under the Media Literacy aspect of the project the below events were organized:
*Media Literacy
*Economic Collaboration
*NGO capacity building <br>
==Events organized==
* [[3rd International SME Conference “SMEs Facing the Change”]]
* [[Human Rights through Media Literacy]]
* [[Human Rights through Media Literacy |Human Rights through Media Literacy - Training of trainers]]
* [[Series of trainings to raise awareness on Media Literacy]]
==Pillar One: Media Literacy==
===Media literacy Training of Trainers, Nicosia and Limassol===
Understanding the media, and being able to comprehend how the media functions is a vital tool in today’s lives.  The excessive use of the internet, new technologies, the ability of news  media outlets to utilize those news technologies and the ability we are given to report news from all around the world in such a fas pace, all add up to the intended or un intended complexities introduced between the news and their recipients.
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file: HR_Classic_15.jpg
Training the pool of trainers has just been the beginning of this project. The idea is to communicate this knowledge to all walks of life and engage the citizens in a different way of interacting with the media and news-media outlets.  The public becomes not apathetic recipient of news, but an inquisitive citizen who asks and ponders and wonders on what is communicated to him/her instead of taking everything reported as a source of truth.
Around 10 trainings have been organized by the trainers; Characteristically:
===The trainers train the young minds on Media Literacy - Grammar School Training - Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Students creating their own newspapers===
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file: HR_GrammarSc_03.JPG
file: HR_GrammarSc_12.JPG
A study by Robert Nathan Associates, a U.S. consulting firm, identified four factors that will “profoundly influence the institutional framework for Cyprus’ post-settlement economy:  EU accession, the Annan Plan structures, financial assistance from the international donor community, and the ‘peace dividend’.”  
A study by Robert Nathan Associates, a U.S. consulting firm, identified four factors that will “profoundly influence the institutional framework for Cyprus’ post-settlement economy:  EU accession, the Annan Plan structures, financial assistance from the international donor community, and the ‘peace dividend’.”  
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Many believe that long-lasting peace will only be achieved in Cyprus when the economic difference between Turkish and Greek Cypriots is minimized. Both the UN and the EU are now making available, for the first time, funds for projects to encourage joint business ventures, especially business activities that will contribute to the economic development of the North. However, the supporting infrastructure for business people to effectively form such partnerships and to absorb and benefit from these new opportunities is still lacking.   
Many believe that long-lasting peace will only be achieved in Cyprus when the economic difference between Turkish and Greek Cypriots is minimized. Both the UN and the EU are now making available, for the first time, funds for projects to encourage joint business ventures, especially business activities that will contribute to the economic development of the North. However, the supporting infrastructure for business people to effectively form such partnerships and to absorb and benefit from these new opportunities is still lacking.   
This project will deploy a team with experience in business development to actively work with potential joint business venture candidates, supporting them from beginning to end to apply, manage and benefit from such opportunities, and to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed.
This project will deploy a team with experience in business development to actively work with potential joint business venture candidates, supporting them from beginning to end to apply, manage and benefit from such opportunities, and to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed.
===North South Economic Collaboration===
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file: SEDC2004_05.jpg

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* An Advisory Council composed of equal numbers of Greek and Turkish Cypriots, as well as 2-3 international experts, will develop strategies, monitor the project’s overall achievement of goals and ensure accountability.  Qualified personnel from funding organizations or external experts will also be invited to monitor progress, review accountability mechanisms, and participate in evaluation processes from time to time.
* An Advisory Council composed of equal numbers of Greek and Turkish Cypriots, as well as 2-3 international experts, will develop strategies, monitor the project’s overall achievement of goals and ensure accountability.  Qualified personnel from funding organizations or external experts will also be invited to monitor progress, review accountability mechanisms, and participate in evaluation processes from time to time.
* HasNa will, from time-to-time, assess the functioning and effectiveness of the bicommunal team, including the extent to which decision-making power is being shared equitably, resource allocation between the North and South is balanced according to the project’s stated goals and progress is being made in terms of strengthening the management capacity of Turkish Cypriot NGO managers and young professionals.
* HasNa will, from time-to-time, assess the functioning and effectiveness of the bicommunal team, including the extent to which decision-making power is being shared equitably, resource allocation between the North and South is balanced according to the project’s stated goals and progress is being made in terms of strengthening the management capacity of Turkish Cypriot NGO managers and young professionals.



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