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==Bio used for 2014 Kenya Conf: Mobile Learning: Transforming Education, Employment, & Economies==
==Bio used for 2014 Kenya Conf: Mobile Learning: Transforming Education, Employment, & Economies==
Laouris is a social and business entrepreneur, a neuroscientist and systems engineer, working as Senior Scientist and Chair of the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute ( and Future Worlds Center ( He is the Rector of N.E.T.S., an innovative Graduate School, whose 20 PhD students collaborate to develop scientifically grounded methodologies and tools to "design" our future and to re-invent systems of governing ourselves. Laouris is member of the Onlife Initiative Think Tank of the European Commission that developed a Manifesto ( to inspire reflection on what happens to us and to re-envisage the future with greater confidence. He promotes the application of mobile learning and broadband technologies to bridge ethnic-, digital-, economic-, educational- and inter-personal divides on our planet. In the 90’s he founded CYBER Kids (, a chain of franchised computer learning centers, which introduced creative thinking, problem-solving, team-work and other abilities using IT in the lives of thousands of children and adults in several countries. Laouris is an international leader in the theory and application of the science of structured dialogic design and conducts research towards developing systems to enable scaling up participatory dialogic processes to engage asynchronously thousands of people in meaningful authentic dialogues, thus reinventing democracy and accelerating institutional and societal change. His current work focuses on combining the power of mobile learning with the science of structured democratic dialogue to create collaborative environments that harness collective intelligence and collective wisdom. He has published extensively book chapters, peer-revised articles and conference papers in neuroscience, applied systems science and peace, and in the neuroscience of learning.
Laouris is a social and business entrepreneur, a neuroscientist and systems engineer, working as Senior Scientist and Chair of the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute ( and Future Worlds Center ( He is the Rector of N.E.T.S., an innovative Graduate School, whose 20 PhD students collaborate to develop scientifically grounded methodologies and tools to "design" our future and to re-invent systems of governing ourselves. Laouris is member of the Onlife Initiative Think Tank of the European Commission that developed a Manifesto ( to inspire reflection on what happens to us and to re-envisage the future with greater confidence. He promotes the application of mobile learning and broadband technologies to bridge ethnic-, digital-, economic-, educational- and inter-personal divides on our planet. In the 90’s he founded CYBER Kids (, a chain of franchised computer learning centers, which introduced creative thinking, problem-solving, team-work and other abilities using IT in the lives of thousands of children and adults in several countries. Laouris is an international leader in the theory and application of the science of structured dialogic design and conducts research towards developing systems to enable scaling up participatory dialogic processes to engage asynchronously thousands of people in meaningful authentic dialogues, thus reinventing democracy and accelerating institutional and societal change. His current work focuses on combining the power of mobile learning with the science of structured democratic dialogue to create collaborative environments that harness collective intelligence and collective wisdom. He has published extensively book chapters, peer-revised articles and conference papers in neuroscience, applied systems science and peace, and in the neuroscience of learning.
==Bio used for 2014 TEDx Pireaus=
Ο Γιάννης Λαούρης είναι πρόεδρος του Future Worlds Center ( και μέλος του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Institute for 21st Century Agoras ( Σπούδασε ιατρική στην πρώην Ανατολική Γερμανία και εκπαιδεύτηκε ως ερευνητής νευροφυσιολόγος και ως μηχανικός συστημάτων στη Δυτική Γερμανία και στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής. Ως κοινωνικός επιχειρηματίας (social entrepreneur) έχει ασχοληθεί έντονα με το δημοκρατικό δομημένο διάλογο ως μέθοδο επίλυσης πολύπλοκλων προβλημάτων και επίτευξης κοινωνικών μεταρρυθμίσεων. Η ομάδα του έχει αναλάβει πέραν των 30 διεθνών και/ή Ευρωπαϊκών έργων σε θέματα κοινωνικής ευθύνης και μεταρρύθμισης. Η δουλειά του έχει αναγνωριστεί με πολλά βραβεία όπως το Βραβείο Καινοτομίας και Δημιουργικότητας της Ομοσπονδίας Εργοδοτών και Βιομηχάνων (για την καινοτομική ύλη των σχολών CYBER Kids), το Βραβείο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας συστημικών Μελετών για Διακεκριμένους Επιστήμονες (για την ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή της συστημικής επιστήμης δομημένου διαλόγου) και πρόσφατα το Ευρω-Μεσογειακό Βραβείο για Διάλογο μεταξύ των Πολιτισμών (Honorable Mention -second place) του Anna Lindh Foundation (για την προώθηση της ειρήνης και των στόχων της χιλιετηρίδας). Έχει στο ενεργητικό του περισσότερες από 50 αναφορές σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά και 20 περίπου κεφάλαια σε επιστημονικά βιβλία. Έχει παρουσιάσει επιστημονικές εργασίες σε πέραν των 130 συνεδρίων σε θέματα νευροεπιστήμης, παιδείας, τεχνολογίας, διαλόγου και ειρήνης.

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