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In light of the above perspective, activating and further expanding the TFP project is now a priority and urgent need.  It is a fact that the full potential of TFP is far from realization because of two main reasons: a) a number of bicommunal groups are in queue waiting to be trained in using TFP to reactivate, enhance and expand their rapprochement activities, and b) more equipment is needed to meet the demand.  
In light of the above perspectives, activating and further expanding the Tech4Peace project in 1997 was  then a crucial priority and urgent need.  It was a fact that the full potential of Tech4Peace was far from realization because of two main reasons:
# A number of bicommunal groups were in queue waiting to be trained in using Tech4Peace to reactivate, enhance and expand their rapprochement activities, and
# More equipment was needed to meet the demand.  

More specifically, we request funding for a series of workshops, in which a number of active bicommunal groups, whose contacts have been abruptly terminated by political intervention since last December, can be reactivated through training in the use of the TFP facilities. (Note: Even if direct bicommunal contacts resume, the TFP facilities can add a vital efficiency dimension to the work  and communication between the bicommunal group members).
Tech4Peace was subsequently funded through UNDP/UNOPS with three grants:
We suggest one initial training workshop to train trainers followed by a series of a few two-day workshops to train representative members of active bicommunal groups.  Their content and area of emphasis are explained in more detail below in Part VI.

Ninja, Ninla, Bots, Bureaucrats, recentchangescleanup, Administrators


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