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      |name=Iliada Spyrou                 
      |period=2009 - Present 
      |title=[[Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline]] coordinator and research associate
      |projects=Cyberethics GIII, ecom4s2p, VET
      |interests=Painting, swimming, decorating, cooking, gardening
      |degrees=BA Psychology
      |universities=European University Cyprus
'''Iliada Spyrou''' has a BA in Psychology.  She graduated from European University Cyprus in 2011. She was the president of Psychology Club from 2008 - 2010.  She is currently the coordinator of Safer Internet Helpline.

All through high school and undergraduate years she worked hard; and she was setting high goals for her future. Iliada was the president of the Psychology Club of her university. She worked with other students in the committee to bring up new activities for the psychology major students and help them to enrich their knowledge through different seminars and workshops. Her motivational and communication skills were really helpful for her position.   
Mrs. '''Iliada Spyrou''' collaborates with [[[Future Worlds Center]] since 2009. Mrs. Spyrou is the [[Project Coordinators|Project Coordinator]] of the [[Cyprus Safer Internet Helpline]], which is being implemented by the [[ Pancyprian Coordinating Committee for the Protection and Welfare of Children]] in the context of the [[Cyberethics: Cyprus Safer Internet Center|Cyberethics]] project.
==Work experience==
* Dates 01/09/2010 → Present
Safer Internet Helpline Coordinator
'''Main activities and responsibilities''':General organisation of the Helpline, coordinating the team, organise events, presentations, etc., write reports to the EU Commission, develop awareness tools and more.
* Dates 06/2010 - 08/2010
Hiltonia Summer Junior Club
She worked as a monitor at Hiltonia Summer Junior Club 2010. There she was dealing with children between 9 years of age and 11 years of age. She was coordinating them and taking care of them.
* Dates 06/2009 - 08/2009
Hiltonia Summer Junior Club
She worked as a monitor at Hiltonia Summer Junior Club 2009. There she was dealing with children between 9 years of age and 11 years of age. She was coordinating them and taking care of them.
* Dates 01/03/2009 - 31/03/2009
Research Assistant
'''Main activities and responsibilities''': She worked at the call center of the European University Cyprus research center. She dealt with telephone surveys and she had telephone contact with people all over Cyprus.
* Dates 01/08/2009 → Present
Safer Internet Helpline Operator
'''Main activities and responsibilities''':She is working as an operator/counsellor at the Safer Internet helpline Cyprus team. She working minimum 4 times per month and she is on call for anyone who needs any consultation concerning internet issues
* Dates 2008
Secretary - Regus
'''Main activities and responsibilities''':Basic administrational work, which included typing, filing, preparing agendas for meetings, she was making hotel/ticket reservations follow ups and helping customer over the phone. She was also involved in the preparation of the invoices, the weekly and monthly reports
Name and address of employer Regus
Nicosia (Cyprus)
* Dates 2003 - 2008
Laboratory Assistant and Secretary
'''Main activities and responsibilities''': She was responsible for the smooth running of the administrative tasks of the laboratory. Additionally she was preparing blood tests and filing in the blood test reports.
* Dates 2010
Title of qualification awarded: Cyprus Family Planning Helpline Operator
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered:Human Sexuality, STD, and contraceptive methods
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Cyprus Family Plannig (Organization)
Lefkonos 20, Flat 303, 2064 Nicosia (Cyprus)
* Dates 04/04/2009 - 08/04/2009
Title of qualification awarded: Safer Internet Helpline Operator Training Program
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered:Internet Related Dangers, and Principals of Counselling
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute (NGO, Non Profit Organization)
Promitheos 5, 1065 Nicosia (Cyprus)
* Dates 31/01/2009
Title of qualification awarded: Stress Reduction Certificate
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered:Techniques that help people to reduce and release stress.
* Dates 24/05/2008 - 25/05/2008
Title of qualification awarded: Annual Members Training of Cyprus Family Planning
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Cyprus Family Planning
Nicosia (Cyprus)
* Dates 18/04/2008
Title of qualification awarded: ACT against violence Training
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered:There were 16 hours of training on some principles that were related to domestic violence.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training:European University Cyprus
Nicosia (Cyprus)
* Dates 27/03/2008 - 25/06/2008
Title of qualification awarded: KENTHEA Training
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered:Works productively with young people and through workshops raise their awareness on issues related to drugs.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: KENTHEA
==Personal skills and competences==
Mother tongue(s) Greek
Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking W r i t i n g
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user
Italian B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user
French B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
'''Social skills and competences'''
Highly motivational person, passionate and perfectionist with interested areas of work, pleasant personality, well developed communication skills and striving to achieve high skills.
'''Organisational skills and competences'''
Competent and efficient person with strong organizational skills, punctual, reliable and methodical, capable of completing a variety of tasks within deadlines
'''Computer skills and competences'''
'''Artistic skills and competences'''
Painting, swimming, decorating, cooking, gardening
'''Other skills and competences '''
English Typewriting Qualifications
===SEMINARS Attended:===
4/3/2010 Sexuality of Cypriots: Issues and Taboo
23/2/2010 Effective ways of communication and relation Building
18/2/2010 “Safer Internet” Issues
3/12/2010 Brain’s Pleasure System and the use of Drugs
27/11/2009 Πρόληψη και Αντιμετώπιση της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης Παιδιών: Ευρήματα, Προκλήσεις και Προοπτικές
27/5/2009 “Multiple Intelligences: The first twenty five years in an increasingly technological Age.
5/5/2009-8/5/2009 14th International Conference of the A.P.P.A. Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for adults and children. Neuropsychiatric, Psychological and Social Developments in a Globalised World.
28/3/2009 Ψυχική Ανθεκτικότητα
10/3/2009 Family Violence and Child Abuse
29/1/2009 Mental health of university students
22/1/2009 Seminar “Easy Ways of Learning and Succeeding in Exams”
28/5/2008 and 29/5/2008 Child and youth research in the 21st Century: a critical appraisal seminar.
5/4/2008 Ανάπτυξη της Συναισθηματικής Νοημοσύνης μέσα από τη Συνεργατική Μάθηση
29/11/2008 Σεξουαλικότητα και Άτομα με Ειδικές Ανάγκες
29/11/2008 Η Δύναμη της Μουσικής στη ψυχή του ανθρώπου.
5/12/2008 First Aid
==WORKSHOPS Attended:==
18/3/2010 Depression and low self esteem
27/2/2010 Drama therapy “Dream Weaving”
17/2/2010 and 24/2/2010 Youth Ambassadors for the Millennium Development Goals
11/7/2009 Depression and low self-esteem
30/5/2009 and 31/5/2009 Classical Psychodrama Moreno
5/4/2008 Θεατρικό Παιχνίδι Workshop
24/3/2009 "Looking for People, Finding only Shadows"-Workshop
20/2/2009-30/7/2011 Workshops based on personal development.
27/1/2009 & 29/1/2009 Effective Parenting: the “hard-to-manage” child
11/11/2008 Research Study: Study on Member states legislation, nation policies, practices and approaches concerning the victim of Crime.
Academic Year 2009 Young Children’s Self-Regulation
Cyprus Family Planning Organization
Association for the prevention and handling of violence in the family
Constantion Psychology and Criminology Research Center
Cyprus Psychologist Association
First Honors for Academic Achievement during the spring semester 2010
Second Honors for Academic Achievement during fall semester 2009
Laouris, Y., Spyrou I., Piper R., Yamanis M., Nikolettis M., Economou A., (2011). Safer Internet Conference (17 November 2011) «Discover the digital world together...safely!" The conference was given in English and speakers/experts from Cyprus and World Vision collaborating offices from (Georgia, Armenia, Lebanon, Jerusalem West Bank Gaza) presented current trends and news from each country related with Internet safety and the technological gap that exists between generationsThe conference was under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Mr. Vartkes Mahdessian, MP Representative for the Armenian community in Cyprus will do the welcoming speech.

She loves Psychology classes but her favorite ones were the ones focusing on children’s development, for example; Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, and Child and Adolescents Psychology.
Laouris, Y., Spyrou I.,Demosthenous G., Papanastasatos G., Nikolettis M., Hadjichristofis G., (2011).  Internet addiction and other online dangers Conference (2 November 2011).  The conference was given in Greek and experts from Cyberethics team and Frederick University Cyprus presented the issues of Internet Addiction and other online Dangers.  The conference was under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Iliada likes challenges, too. She really likes to have challenges in the university and in her life in generalShe had a lot of challenges throughout her four years in the UniversityShe had to study and maintain good grades but at the same time was given a lot of opportunities from outside of school, like seminars and workshops in Cyprus and also abroad.  She combined studying and other activities, resulting in developing a stronger character.
Laouris Y., Spyrou I., Shitta G., Aristodemou E., Drakos A., Karkas G., Geordiadou O., Phaedonos P., (2011)Safer Internet Helpline Training (January 2001 – March 2011)The training was given in Greek and experts from Cyberethics team, Cybercrime Unit of the Police, and other associates (Lawyer, Psychologist) presented different kind of online dangers, the Law in Cyprus concerning the Cybercrime, and role playing that illustrated vividly different cases related to online dangers and some techniques on how to deal with it.  

She used to participate in swimming and gymnastics but now does not have the opportunity and time to do very much of it.
Laouris, Y., Spyrou I, et. Al., (2011) European Insafe Training Meeting, Sinaia, Romania (5-6 April 2011).  In this conference I presented a case study that we received at the Safer Internet Helpline and after that we carried out a workshop.

Iliada was able to attend the Grammar School, a private high school in Limassol. To qualify, she had to work hard in order to pass on to the next level. It was difficult for her because she transferred to Grammar School at the sixth grade from St. Mary’s School.  Once she graduated she said that, “When you are motivated academically, it really does make you stand out from the rest.”
This has certainly been true for Iliada!

==Work Experience==

==Project Involvements==
==Project Involvements==
* [[ E-com4S2P- e-communIC@Tion 4 schools 2 parents]]
* [[ InetRisks]]
* [[SimSafety]]
* [[SteLLLa]]
* [[ IdentifEYE: Children, Data & Emerging Identities]]
* [[VET]]
* [[ Cyberethics: Cyprus Safer Internet Center]]

[[Category:Current Associates]]
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[[Category:Advisory Board Cyberethics]]


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