Youth Promoting Peace: Difference between revisions

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| Tree Planting
|Y2P: Tree Planting 2000
| Pyla
| Pyla
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|Youth Festival
|Y2P: Youth Festival 2000
|Pergamos Park – Pyla
|Pergamos Park – Pyla
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|Rock Festival
|Y2P: Rock Festival 2000
|Pergamos Park Pyla
|Pergamos Park Pyla
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|Music Festival: Bands for Peace
|Y2P: Music Festival: Bands for Peace 2002
|Pergamos Park Pyla
|Pergamos Park Pyla
Line 87: Line 87:
|Conference: Cyprus in the European Union: Socioeconomic Impact and New Opportunities for the Youth
|Y2P: Conference: Cyprus in the European Union: Socioeconomic Impact and New Opportunities for the Youth 2002
Line 97: Line 97:
|Euromed seminar: “Different but United against Racism and Xenophobia”
|Y2P: Euromed seminar: “Different but United against Racism and Xenophobia” 2002
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|Participation to Bi-communal Forum Celebrations
|Y2P: Participation to Bi-communal Forum Celebrations 2002
|10 delegates
|10 delegates
|Ledra Palace
|Ledra Palace
Line 137: Line 137:
|Nov. 2002
|Nov. 2002
|Bi-communal Workshop “Annan Plan: Prospects and Expectations”
|Y2P: Bi-communal Workshop “Annan Plan: Prospects and Expectations”
Line 157: Line 157:
|29 Dec. 2002
|29 Dec. 2002
|Bi-communal New Years Party
|Y2P: Bi-communal New Year's Party 2002
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|Dec. 2002
|Dec. 2002
|Participation to a Euromed Contact Making Seminar - Ankara
|Y2P: Participation to a Euromed Contact Making Seminar - Ankara 2002
|1 delegate
|1 delegate
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==Important Contributions of Y2P==
==Important Contributions of Y2P==
Ninja, Ninla, Bots, Bureaucrats, recentchangescleanup, Administrators


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