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write the service's acronym
write the service's acronym
Project Title write the project under which this service operates
Contract Number xxxxxx
Funding Period write the funding period of the project under which this service operates
Project's Coordinator(s) write the project's coordinator
Service's Coordinator(s) write the service's coordinator
Funding Agency write the Funding Agency of the project under which this service operates
Service Cost write the Cost of the Service
Total Cost write the Total Cost of the Project
Location write where this Service is located (link it with google maps)
Region Served write the region that this service addresses
Language write the language(s) that this service supports
Website write the website of the projet

Copy and paste the code below to the page you wish to add an Associate's box such as this one:

       |acronym=write the service's acronym                   
       |project_title=write the project under which this service operates 
       |funding_period=write the funding period of the project under which this service operates
       |coordinator=write the project's coordinator
       |se_coordinator=write the service's coordinator
       |funding_agency=write the Funding Agency of the project under which this service operates
       |service_cost=write the Cost of the Service
       |total_cost=write the Total Cost of the Project
       |location=write where this Service is located (link it with google maps)
       |region_served=write the region that this service addresses
       |language=write the language(s) that this service supports
       |website=write the website of the projet

Then replace the content of the variables with your own, for example :

            acronym=write the project's acronym  

List of Variables

  • acronym : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the acronym of the Service
  • logo : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the logo image of the Service. You must first upload an image using the upload file option of the toolbox available on the left column of the page. This option is visible if and only if you are logged in.
  • project_title : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the title of the Project under which the Service operates
  • contract_number: This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the contract number for the Project under which the Service operates
  • funding_period : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the funding period of the Project under which the Service operates
  • coordinator : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the project's coordinator
  • se_coordinator : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the service's coordinator
  • funding_agency : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the funding agency of the Project under which the Service operates
  • service_cost : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the service's cost
  • total_cost : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the total cost of the Project under which the Service operates
  • location : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the location of the Service (you can link the location with google maps)
  • region_served : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the region that this Service covers
  • language : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the language(s) that this Service supports
  • website : This variable expects from the editor to assign to it the link of the website of the Project