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|project_title=Journalism for Peace
|acronym=[[Young Journalists Project|Young Journalists]]
|donor=[[HasNa Inc.]] 
|lead_partner=[[Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute]]
      |coordinator=[[Future Worlds Center]]
       |funding_agency=[[HasNa Inc.]]
|partners= [[Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute]]<br>[[Youth Center Union (Gençlik Merkezi Birliği)| Youth Centre]]  
|countries=Cyprus (both south and north); USA (Washington DC)

|description=Fellowships for 10 young journalists
|main_page=link this to the main page of the project
|about=[[Young Journalists Project]]
|title_header=Title header
|content_header=Content Header
|overall_objectives=To promote peace and reconciliation activities in Cyprus through the introduction and initiation of a series of specific collaborative projects for young Turkish and Greek Cypriots living in the Southern and Northern part of the island.

1 June, 2002 and shall expire on the 31 May, 2003
# Setting up a Communal Office to coordinate activities across the Green Line, promote the specific proposed projects by Cypriots in the South and North, and provide needed staff and logistical support to these professionals in developing, implementing and evaluating projects.  One Greek Cypriot coordinator will staff the Office.
# Formation of a Bi-communal Advisory Board that will work together, with equal Turkish and Greek representation, to supervise projects and provide guidance
# Establishing a series of training programs in conflict resolution and professional skills for young adults, with equal representation from both Turkish and Greek communities, with the ultimate goal of instituting joint projects.
# Working together with the scholars for a period of 1 year supporting them in their bicommunal meetings.
# Organization of a journalists' peace conference.

Αναμόρφωση των Κυπριακών ΜΜΕ υπό το φως της επικείμενης πολιτικής διευθέτησης του Κυπριακού προβλήματος και της ένταξης της Κύπρου στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

Η HasNa Inc ιδρύθηκε το 1998 στη Washington DC  σαν μη προσοδοφόρος, μη κυβερνητικός οργανισμός. Δραστηριοποιείται παγκόσμια και στοχεύει  να σπάσει τους κύκλους συγκρούσεων μειώνοντας τις εντάσεις μεταξύ αντίθετων ομάδων που χωρίζονται με βάση τη διαφορετικότητα κουλτούρας, εθνικότητας, πολιτικής ιδεολογίας, θρησκείας και οικονομίας. Xρηματοδοτεί προγράμματα σε διάφορες χώρες.
|title_footer=Expected Results

Η δικοινοτική ομάδα HasNa Κύπρου, δημιουργήθηκε το 2002 σαν αποτέλεσμα χορηγίας η οποία δόθηκε στο CNTI (Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute). H χορηγία προέβλεπε 10 υποτροφίες σύντομης διάρκειας για νέους Kύπριους δημοσιογράφους με στόχο τη μετεκπαίδευση σε θέματα δημοσιογραφικής δεοντολογίας, ειρηνικής επίλυσης συγκρούσεων κα. Στην ομάδα συμμετέχουν πέντε Eλληνοκύπριοι και πέντε Tουρκοκύπριοι νέοι δημοσιογράφοι. Στοχεύει στην  ανάληψη πρωτοβουλιών για την αναβάθμιση-αναδιάρθρωση της δημοσιογραφίας στην Kύπρο, τη μείωση του ρατσισμού/εθνικισμού και την καταπολέμηση της κοινωνικής αδικίας γενικότερα στα πλαίσια της ειρηνικής επιμόρφωσης και αναμόρφωσης. Εξοπλισμένη με την πεποίθηση ότι οι εσωτερικές και περιφερειακές διαμάχες μπορούν να ξεριζωθούν μέσα από την επικοινωνία, διαφάνεια και επιστημονική αντιμετώπιση, έχει πρωτοπορήσει στη δημιουργία του πρώτου το δικοινοτικού περιοδικού το οποίο βρίσκεται στο διαδίκτυο ( Επιπρόσθετα, διοργανώνει δικοινοτικά εργαστήρια/συναντήσεις στην Πύλα και συμμετέχει σε άλλες ανάλογες εκδηλώσεις. Συνεργάζεται στενά με άλλες δικοινοτικές ομάδες όπως την Youth Promoting Peace (Y2P), το Genclik Merkezi (Youth Center), τις Πλατφόρμες Oμάδων που απαιτούν τη Λύση-Eπανένωση κλπ.
Article 1.  Scope of Parties’ Understanding
The Parties have agreed to collaborate to promote peace and reconciliation in Cyprus through the introduction and initiation of a series of specific collaborative projects for young Turkish and Greek Cypriots living in the Southern and Northern part of the island. This Memorandum covers project-related activities that will take place in the United States and Cyprus, including:
1. Setting up a Communal Office to coordinate activities across the Green Line, promote the specific proposed projects by Cypriots in the South and North, and provide needed staff and logistical support to these professionals in developing, implementing and evaluating projects.  One Greek Cypriot coordinator will staff the Office.
2. Formation of a Bi-communal Advisory Board that will work together, with equal Turkish and Greek representation, to supervise projects and provide guidance
3. Establish a series of training programs in conflict resolution and professional skills for young adults, with equal representation from both Turkish and Greek communities, with the ultimate goal of instituting joint projects.
4. Regular reporting and contact between the Parties.
The Parties will agree upon specific details about these items (including financial arrangements) at a later date.
Article 2.  Personnel and Responsibilities
1. To coordinate the project-related activities above, CNTI will be represented by Dr. Yiannis Laouris or George Tziapouras.  Nevzer Stacey will represent HasNa.
2. The Parties agree that regular communication (in the form of weekly emails and telephone conversations as needed) will be important to the success of the project.
3. As the main point of contact in Cyprus, Dr. Laouris will help to coordinate project activities with any other project partners, and will be responsible for oversight and direction of the Communal office, coordinating, in conjunction with Huseyin Gursan the Coordinator in the North, the activities of the Board, coordinating the selection of trainees, pre-departure orientation for trainees, and financial management and oversight for activities in Cyprus.
4. HasNa will be responsible for coordinating and conducting training programs for Greek and Turkish Cypriot participants in conflict resolution and professional skills in the areas agreed upon by the parties to this memorandum.


[[Category:HasNa Projects]]
[[Category:Funded Projects]]

Latest revision as of 04:31, 27 May 2015

The content of this page is displayed in standardized format to
  1. serve as quick reference; and
  2. facilitate its use during preparation of new applications. Do not change the content of this page without consulting with the project coordinator. For encyclopedic details about the project, please refer to its main page.

Title header

Content Header

Formal Project Description
Contract Title Journalism for Peace
Project Acronym Young Journalists
Donor HasNa Inc.
Lead Partner Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute
Link to the Call
Partners Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute
Youth Centre
Countries of the action Cyprus (both south and north); USA (Washington DC)
Cost of Action $26,750.00
Grant $26,750.00
Cost for FWC $26,750.00
Grant for FWC $26,750.00
Dates 01/06/2002 - 31/05/2003

Short Description Fellowships for 10 young journalists
Main Page link this to the main page of the project
About Project Young Journalists Project
Overall objective(s)
To promote peace and reconciliation activities in Cyprus through the introduction and initiation of a series of specific collaborative projects for young Turkish and Greek Cypriots living in the Southern and Northern part of the island.
Specific objective(s)
  1. Setting up a Communal Office to coordinate activities across the Green Line, promote the specific proposed projects by Cypriots in the South and North, and provide needed staff and logistical support to these professionals in developing, implementing and evaluating projects. One Greek Cypriot coordinator will staff the Office.
  2. Formation of a Bi-communal Advisory Board that will work together, with equal Turkish and Greek representation, to supervise projects and provide guidance
  3. Establishing a series of training programs in conflict resolution and professional skills for young adults, with equal representation from both Turkish and Greek communities, with the ultimate goal of instituting joint projects.
  4. Working together with the scholars for a period of 1 year supporting them in their bicommunal meetings.
  5. Organization of a journalists' peace conference.