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Contract Title Vision Statement: .. to re-define the tools, methods and purpose of education, in light of relevant social change.
Funding Period 1991-2002
Total Cost >2,5 million CY £ income generated
Website CYBER Kids Wiki

CYBER KIDS was a nation-wide social entrepreneurial experiment launched in 1992 in Cyprus by Yiannis Laouris, George Vakanas and Maria Symeonides. The Research and Development of its award winning curriculum was done by the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute. Within the first five years (1992-1997) 26 computer- learning centers were launched with average of 50-150 students enrolled every year in each location. By 1999, the number of children who benefited from the Cyber Kids curriculum in the 36 Branches exceeded 15,000, which is approximately equal to 20% of the country’s youth population (ages 6-15). CYBER KIDS has also contributed against brain drain by employing a total of 186 young scientists between 1991-1999. More importantly, MISnTED Ltd., the owner company had a policy of employing teachers from the public educational system as part-timers as a means of contributing to a large-scale reform from within the system.

The Founders

The "profitable dream" concept

CYBER KIDS was based on a concept coined by its creators then called the "profitable dream":

  • They envisioned that introducing advanced computer technology in the lives of a critical number of young children using an educationally relevant and socially responsible, peace-enhancing curriculum would allow them to promote creativity, innovation, imagination, and problem solving abilities, thus “transcending” the country’s educational and political life and move the new generation a decade ahead.

The project was founded on a well-defined vision statement:

  • ... to re-define the tools, methods and purpose of education, in light of relevant social change.

The vehicle chosen to disseminate the impact of the project and its vision was the profit-making concept of franchising, thus creating new business both in Cyprus and in the seven countries in which it expanded, thus spreading the Cyber Kids philosophy and knowledge to many more spheres of social life.:

  • Lebanon (1994)
  • Israel (1995)
  • Greece (1996)
  • Jordan
  • Egypt (1997)
  • USA (Oregon: 1998)
  • India (2000)

Company evolution and death

CYBER KIDS was an internationally registered trademark of the mother company, MISnTED: Management Information Systems & Technology Development. The three founding members, Yiannis Laouris, George Vakanas and [[Maria Symeonides] donated 30% of their total shares to the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute in order to fund its socially responsible research operations. In addition, MISnTED: Management Information Systems & Technology Development provided yearly grants to Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute for research. The project was originally funded by the partners' and by a CY £44,000 government loan. All key people were invited to join as partners: Dinos Georgiades, Evros Alexandrou, Harry Anastasiou, and all employees were given shares totalling to £250,000 of value. In 1996, the Cyprus Development Bank became a partner with 10% in the Cyprus (mother) company and 30% in the Greek subsidiary, investing £100,000 and £300,000 respectively. It was under the leadership of the Cyprus Development Bank, that in 2000 CYBER KIDS merged with 11 other companies to form a public, high-tech company known as CYBER GROUP. Unfortunately, the crash of the stock markets in combination with a number of unconstitutional laws passed repetitively by the Cyprus Parliament allegedly to "protect" the rights of investors, forced CYBER KIDS to bankruptcy along with more than 100 other entrepreneurial companies.

CYBER KIDS in the Media

CYBER KIDS enjoyed substantial visibility from many media.

A strong supporter of research and community

Over the years, CYBER KIDS has supported financially, sponsoring or providing required co-financing, many of Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute projects and initiatives, including:

The philosophy and some of the curriculum of CYBER KIDS are now used in Cyberethics: Cyprus Safer Internet Center.

The Innovation

A KnowledgePacket® is composed of:

  1. The actual know-how and data to transmit to receiver/learner
  2. The Method of Delivery/Transmission and/or Lesson Plan
  3. The Tools to use in the process
  4. The Mental Development that will take place during the learning process
  5. Real-life applications of the specific knowledge
  6. Social value and importance of the specific knowledge"
  7. Author of the KnowledgePacket 8. Owner of the KnowledgePacket


  1. Qualidat 1996, Geneva, Switzerland
  2. The Elected of the Year '96, Jerusalem, Israel
  3. CYBER KIDS Award for Creativity by the Employers and Industrialists Federation (1998)
  4. INPEX Pittsburgh 95 Silver Award for CYBER KIDS Innovative Curriculum

External Links

Related Publications